Posts by Joux

    Fungrades 2025 - 3.1.5 - Hotfix 2!

    The second hotfix following the affliction changes aims to address the unintended nerf to lower prestige ranks.

    As mentioned before, the reduction to prestige points and perk/Yin-Yang strength impacted lower-ranked players the most. This update helps restore a portion of that lost power by also returning level 3 Perks and Yin-Yang's from your first prestige.



    Preset / Passive fixes

    !reset fixes for prestige upgrades

    Trapper execution code reworked to resolve non-exploding boards.

    Fire Prop Damage fixes + fire hud corrections.

    Various menu / text print errors


    Prestige Affliction Hotfix Changes

    Base Afflictions Points 0 -> 1

    Base Perk Points 0 -> 1

    Base Yin Yang Points 0 -> 1

    Upgrade Power Affliction Per Point 3% -> 4%

    Damage Affliction Per Point 4% -> 5%

    Health Affliction Per Point 3% -> 4%

    *NEW Resistance/Toughness - Reduces Resistance by 1% and Toughness by 2% Per Affliction Point

    Afflictions haven’t been properly weakening the new perk and Yin-Yang strength since the affliction update.

    This has led to more rounds than expected where players are significantly stronger than intended. To balance this, some affliction stats now have a higher initial increase per point. However, this will be slightly offset by the introduction of the additional affliction stat.


    Yin Yang's



    Damage: 0% -> 4% Base. 5% -> 4% Per Level


    Speed: 0% -> 1% Base

    Damage Reduction: 2.5% -> 5% Base


    Headshot: 0% -> 4% Base. 5% -> 4% Per Level

    Damage Reduction: 0% -> 2.5% Per Level


    Ranged Damage: 0% -> 4% Base. 5% -> 4% Per Level


    Damage: 0% -> 15% Base. 10% -> 5% Per Level

    Thor is receiving a a max level nerf due to the over buffing of the new level 5 Yin Yang's



    Speed: -1% -> 1% Base.

    Damage Reduction: 2.5% -> 5% Base.


    Health: 0% -> 4% Base. 5% -> 4% Per Level.

    Speed Reduction: 0% -> 2.5% Base


    Lunge: 0% -> 2% Base. 2% -> 1% Per Level


    Negative changed to Toughness

    Fungrades 2024 - 3.1.0

    A additional minor update following the Affliction/Seal hotfix that brings more QOL changes and the return of a Bleed Chance Yin Yang for survivors, and a new Crit Yin Yang for Zombies!

    All perks have now been provided stronger level 1 stats. As 70% of perks had good level 1 stats, some perks ( with the new afflictions ) proved to be better than others when afflicted. For this reason, the majority of power for all perks have now been shifted to the lower levels, whilst still providing the same strength at max level ( where possible ).

    The change provides more perk power for newer players, whilst also providing slightly better stats for high chance afflicted players.


    - Fixes & Changes -


    Reduced Stat Buff from 25% -> 10%

    Now removes all Afflictions

    Prestige Menu QOL

    The Prestige menu will now retain your team selection to remove the unnecessary need to reselect your team when making builds.

    This feature works for Prestige Upgrades, Unlocks, Perks & Yin Yang's

    Team Selection can be selected and changed on the prestige menu, or automatically when you next make a team selection via the !perk !yy !pul !prpg Menus. This will make the menu feel a little less clustered since the split of Prestige Upgrades and Unlocks

    !Stats & afflictions

    Affliction stats will no longer apply to your own stats when using !stats when in the lobby or spectator.

    As afflictions are applied to all players at the start of the round, regardless if you are playing or in the lobby, afflictions were affecting !stats that made making builds a little harder to create with odd/incorrect statistics.

    Fire Damage

    Whilst only applicable for Zombies, Blaze/Ignite damage is now affected by the Prop Damage upgrade.


    - Perks -



    Ammo Restored: 0% -> 4% Base. 5% -> 4% Per Level.

    Dr Boom

    Damage: 0% -> 20% Base. 25% -> 20% Per Level


    Power: 0% -> 4% Base. 5% -> 4% Per Level

    Electric Cherry

    Chance: 0% -> 15% Base. 15% -> 10% Per Level.

    Range increased by 20%


    *Rework Stomp

    Berzerking performs a ground stomp, dealing 50 damage to nearby props and inflicting 10% Max Health Damage & instantly triggering bleeding effects on nearby players.

    Evo 1

    Gain: Hits apply bleed chance. Lose: No longer inflicts bleed stack damage on hit.

    Evo 2

    Gain: Inflicts 15% Max Health Damage. Lose: No longer inflicts bleed stack damage on hit.


    Chance: 0% -> 5% Base. 6% -> 5% Per Level


    Chance: 0% -> 5% Base


    Endurance: 5% -> 10% Base


    Chance: 0% -> 15% Base. 20% -> 15% Per Level.


    Health: 0 -> 5 Base.


    Raw Armour Damage: 0 -> 4 Base. 5 -> 4 Per Level.

    Zombie Master

    Chance / Berzerk Regen: 0% -> 10% Base. 15% -> 10% Per Level.


    Chance: 0% -> 3% Base. 4% -> 3% Per Level.


    - Yin Yang's -


    *NEW Severance

    Increases Bleed Chance at the expense of Piercing Damage


    *NEW Splinter

    Increases Critical Chance at the expense of Bleed Chance

    Fungrades 2025 - 3.0.5 - Hotfix 1!

    The first small hotfix following the affliction changes to address the bricking of some builds that require key Perks and Yin Yang's, along with some changes to some overlooked stats following the prestige upgrade point changes and affliction addition.



    Incorrect Max Level text corrections

    Expert perk fix for Zombies

    Zombie Perk/Evo's not saving.

    Sealed perks not showing on targeted players

    Seals not loading correctly with Presets


    Prestige Affliction Hotfix Changes


    Seals are now available to all players and improved at the previously noted prestige ranks of 4, 6, 8 & 9.

    Seals will now prevent a Perk or Yin Yang from being fully disabled, enforcing a minimum level dependant on the Strength of the Seal.

    This ensures your Primary/Core Perk or Yin Yang for your build is no longer fully disabled.


    Prestige Base points 0 -> 2

    As the Perk/Yin Yang unlocks remained the same cost, additional starting points have been provided to accommodate the reduced prestige points per rank. This allows for lower ranked prestige's players to make use of all Perk & Yin Yang points that are obtainable from the Panic Pass.


    (Both Teams)

    Speed Upgrade per level increased by 20%.

    Due to the improved speed rework, and powerful Speed Affliction, the per level upgrade has been buffed to re-balance this stat.




    Barbarian Perk

    Damage Reduction: 8% -> 6% Per Level

    Max level now provides the previous max perk level amount of 30%

    Revitaliser: Raw Heal 3 -> 2 Per Level

    Prestige Upgrades


    Piercing Damage: 2% -> 2.5% Per Level

    Fungrades 2025 - 3.0.0 - The Anniversary Update!

    Scheduled for the 14th of Feb

    The Anniversary update is nearly here, introducing major changes and additions that will shake up almost every build and playstyle with some 'fun' new RNG features.

    The update has focused on addressing the several faults and permanent power gap issues created over the past year with the previous prestige system, and although the previous system did a decent job of balancing power (along with the recent addition of safeguard), the power gap between players were still too 'permanent' and out of place, thus leading to a somewhat unappealing feel to new and under-levelled players.

    Whilst the new system can, and will provide, much stronger builds than the current system, the divide between power/skill and balance will be far less dominant as a whole.

    One of the primary reasons for change were the continuous tweaks and nerfs becoming a little too frequent and somewhat unfair for those in the top end of the leader board who were primarily affected. This was further increased by the difference of power for those people who did and did not prestige, regardless of rank. Therefore, the decision to replace the current prestige system with a dedicated balance system for all players was made.

    Having a single feature that controls balance ( rather than adding in minor changes to address specific areas ) will hopefully bring the most fairest option for everyone at all player levels and ranks, as it will also now equally balance your own skill and individual upgrade power with players of the same skill and power.

    With the addition of Prestige Afflictions, Safeguard, 100+ Level Upgrade Cost Reductions and many other balancing systems have been fully removed, simplifying the system entirely. This allows everyone to understand that Afflictions are now the core balancing system of the mod, without the need to understand lots of small changes and additions that may ( and have been ) appearing overtime.

    The Zombie Selection restrictions have been altered to also make use of the new Afflictions (rather than being completely reliant on internal balancing factors), giving you more control over your own team selection preference.

    Thus leading to a brand new on-join menu that will be displayed for those of you who prefer to play as a zombie!

    More on this feature is explained further below.


    So how does the new Prestige System work?

    To begin with, each prestige rank will no longer remove 100 player levels.

    Instead, you will be given 2 Affliction Points that will provide negative round based effects.

    These negative effects will be randomised each round that will grow stronger for each prestige rank you have achieved.

    Whilst this change may seem punishing for each new prestige you obtain, the system is RNG Based, meaning you will have rounds that will make you stronger and also rounds that will make you weaker than your previous/current Fungrade strength.

    The change also ensures your upgrade power is no longer hindered from a prestige ( via the previous -100 level loss ) making you far stronger from upgrades alone than before.

    As you will no longer lose 100 levels for each prestige, your lost player levels will be re-added to your existing player level.

    ( Exact conversion information is also explained further below )

    A prestige will now also provide 2 Prestige Points, 1 Perk Point & 1 Yin Yang Point per rank.

    However, the cost for a Prestige Upgrade, Perk or Yin Yang level will now only cost 1 Upgrade Point at any level ( reduced from cost == level ).

    ( Pass rewards will also be changed accordingly )

    Perks and Yin Yang's will now also have a Max Level of 5 ( unlockable via prestige ranks ) and will have its max level based on your current Prestige Rank.

    Affliction Seals
    Whilst several rewards and features have been added to work with Afflictions, one feature that is being revealed in association with Afflictions in this update are Affliction Seals.

    Seals will allow you to protect your Perks & Yin Yang's from Afflictions, whilst they do not fully protect them, they will reduce the chance in which a Yin Yang's or Perks will and can be disabled each round.

    Affliction Seals are currently unlocked ( and improved ) at Prestige Ranks 4, 6, 8 & 9.

    Panic Pass

    For those of you who do not prestige, you will now only be able to receive Panic Pass rewards up to your obtained Prestige Level, you will also only be able to obtain the additional Prestige, Perk & Yin Yang Points ( for every 25 levels after a prestige ) once per rank.

    Previously, Prestige points were awarded for every 25 levels. This has been changed to provide an additional Prestige Point at level 25, a Yin Yang point and level 50 and a Perk point at level 75.

    Panic Pass Season Rewards are currently enabled at your Prestige Rank minus 1

    Season 1 = No Prestige Rank. Season 2 = Prestige Rank 1 Required. Season 3 = Prestige Rank 2 Required. etc


    Your Prestige Player Level & Experience Conversion

    The most important part of changing the prestige system was converting your current Level/Experience into the new system fairly.

    Whilst Total EXP would have been the easiest option, it would have also been one of the most unfair option (for everyone) due to several reasons explained below.

    Therefore, your new level will be based on your Current Level + Prestige Rank, with some minor level reductions based on your current Total Experience.

    For players who didn’t prestige immediately at level 100

    Since the cashback system was already in place and providing additional experience, converting only by total experience would have further rewarded those who delayed in prestiging. Additionally, the current system slightly benefits lower-prestige players in experience gains, while also granting them the most powerful upgrade stats for farming XP further.

    If you fall into this category, your excess experience will both provide an XP boost along with the highest possible ‘new’ level after conversion.

    Your level will be converted to Current Level + (Prestige Rank x 100) plus all additional experience earnt from your last possible prestige.

    If you are currently level 150, you will earn the experience you earnt from level 100 to 150 added on top of the conversion.

    For those who did prestige near or close to 100.

    For those of you who chose to prestige at 100 ( or close by ) will currently have the most total levels above those who didn't, however, after converting to your new level, you may lose a small portion of levels to align with your old/current Total Experience. This is due to the new experience requirements per level that require slightly more experience per level.

    If you fall into this category, your new total experience (calculated from Level + (Prestige Rank x 100)) will be compared to your old total experience to provide your new level in the system.

    This conversion provides the fairest method for those who endured the negative consequences after each prestige compared to those who remained strong with upgrades. whilst also providing the highest possible level and an 20% experience rate boost (using 100% of excess experience) for those who did not prestige straight away.


    How Afflictions Work

    Based on your current Prestige Rank, you will receive 2 Affliction Points Per Rank.

    These points are randomly rolled into providing one of the afflictions listed below;

    -3% Upgrade Power

    -4% Damage

    -2% Speed

    3% Curse Chance

    -3% Total Health

    Any Random Perk

    Any Random Yin Yang

    For an example of how this works, 6 Affliction Points can reduce your Damage by 12% ( Using 3 Points ) and reduce your Speed by 4% ( Using 2 Points ) and can also disable a Random Perk ( Using the last Point ).

    Perk and Yin Yang selection are also randomised, meaning a perk you do not use can be selected and disabled.

    Affliction information will be printed in chat once the round starts, if you die a Survivor, you will then be shown your Zombie afflictions.

    The affliction menu can be accessed ( from Prestige Rank 1 ) to view your current round affliction assignments.

    You can also target other players to see how they have been afflicted!

    !aff <name> / !afflictions <name>


    Changes to Upgrades, Perks, Yin Yang, Prestige Upgrade Costs & Levels

    All types of upgrade points are receiving a change.

    Perks and Yin Yang's will now also have a max level of 5 ( unlockable via prestige ranks ) and will have its max level based on your current Prestige Rank.

    For those who do not prestige, you will only be able to receive Panic Pass rewards up to your obtained Prestige Level.

    You will also only be able to obtain the additional Prestige, Perk & Yin Yang Points ( for every 25 levels after a prestige ) once per rank.


    Due to the prestige change, Upgrade Points ( Levels ) are also changing, and will be somewhat swapping places to how the current 2024 Prestige/Perk/Yin Yang upgrades work.

    For each 20 levels used in upgrading your stats, an additional Upgrade Point(level) will be required. These upgrade costs are shared between all upgrades meaning you are not required to balance your upgrades for efficiency like other previous mods and ensures you can still focus on the upgrade you wish to max out without any penalty or restrictions.

    Perks & Yin Yang's

    Prestige Ranks will now further control and increase your Max Perk and Yin Yang Levels. Your prestige level will now be linked to your max Perk and Yin Yang level. Previously this was increased once at Prestige rank 4, now, this will be increased for each prestige rank obtained, increasing at ranks 2, 3, 5 & 7.

    Perk & Yin Yang Text Clarity

    The current text information when targeting your own and other players Perks & Yin Yang's are slightly too confusing to fully understand, especially with the undocumented colour coding of levels. This information has now been fully re-written and will also include the new Affliction and upcoming Pass/Prestige reward information. Perks will now be displayed as light pink when active, and red when it has been Disabled ( By Afflictions )

    Evolutions will now have an addition gold asterisk icon, showing you the perk has been evolved.

    The level (X) will also show blue for all levels. Red for Evolutions that reduce the perk level, and White for Evolutions that increase it.
    Examples: No Evo: Commando(3) Evo 1: *Commando(4)* Evo 2: **Commando(2)**

    Affliction Seals ( Unlockable from Prestige Rank 4 ) will be shown with white brackets [Pyro(2)]

    Afflicted Perks/Yin Yang's will be show as: Plague(0)


    Passives Rework ( Season Pass 3 Reward )

    Passives have been replaced with new 'mini perks'.

    Passives were added as the level 300 reward, but fell slightly short of being something that felt unique to the system.

    Below is a list of the new passives you will have access to after completing the Panic Pass Season 3;

    Panic! - Increases your Panic Speed .

    Illuminate - Regenerates you Flashlight Faster.

    Weaver - Chance to dodge incoming attacks.

    Adrenaline - Increased/Decreased speed when in the proximity of Zombies.

    Chell - Reduces your Fall damage.

    Anti-Biotics - Increases Infection Time and Bleed Ticks.

    Lunger - Increases your Lunge Speed.

    Sense - Hear the heartbeat of lone Survivors.

    Weaver - Chance to dodge incoming attacks.

    Adrenaline - Increased/Decreased speed when in the proximity of Survivors.

    Hoard - Gain Toughness when in the proximity of Zombies.

    Rise - Temporarily increases Speed when Spawning


    Other Changes

    Panic Pass

    The Panic Pass rewards have been slightly reduced to compensate the changes with Perk & YY Levels, and although the rewards have been reduced in levels, the effectiveness of the rewards have ultimately been increased.

    To explain this further, a single Perk Point will now allow you to upgrade any Perk to any additional level 1->2, 2->3 or 3->4 without the use of other available perk points.


    Curses have been fully converted and merged into the new affliction system, and you will also no longer be able to buy a Curse manually. !decurse will remain in place and will apply a player experience penalty when used. Curses will continue to provide additional experience ( if you manage to win! ).


    Additional 'Permanent' Rewards have also been added to RTD, along with some new outcomes and changes to the interactive RTD selections.

    And if the system could not be Random Enough, 10 new RTD outcomes have also been added that can mix rounds up with Perks and Yin Yang's changes, as well as several Affliction interactions!

    Zombie Queue & Priority System

    The current limitations have been reworked to run along side afflictions, now, when joining team zombie ( whilst in your personal Zombie Queue ) an additional option will be show. This change will allow you to skip the queue at the cost of additional Afflictions for the selected round.

    The menu will also allow you to buy the Zombie Priority boost that is also available via !boost.

    To explain how the current and new additions to the system now work

    Playing and winning as a zombie will place you in a Zombie Queue for later rounds. This position is based on your zombie rating (!skill), map win rate and current population. This is account bound and cannot be reset/skipped by re-joining.

    Your position is reduced each round when you have played a full round as a survivor.

    You can still be selected as a zombie whilst in the queue, but will have a much lower chance.

    Zombie Priority ( Currently accessible via !boost ), will ensure you are picked over other zombie-preferred (F2) players when next at the front of the queue.

    Zombie Queue Skip (Automatically Shown on Round-Join) Will ignore your current queue position, and instead add additional afflictions to your round (if you are selected).

    Late Joiners

    Late joining will also apply additional affliction points to your round.

    This is an experimental feature that has been designed to target intentional late joining, which has ultimately been breaking the zombie balancing system currently in place.


    Speed & Speed Buff/DeBuffs

    Speed has been improved and reworked to stack all active speed boosts simultaneously.

    Previously, speed boosts prioritised the strongest or longest-lasting effect of each type, replacing weaker or shorter ones. While this approach worked well most of the time, some buffs and boosts would have been lost or overwritten, losing out on some boost benefits.

    With the new system, all movement modifiers now stack together, accurately reflecting your total movement speed.

    (This also means Survivors and Zombies will experience faster speeds overall.)

    Speed boosts are additive, meaning a 10% boost combined with a 25% boost and a -15% slow will result in a net 20% movement speed increase.

    These buffs and slows apply to all movement-related effects, such as cripple, slow grenades, shockwaves, RTD, etc.


    Prestige Upgrades


    Headshot Damage

    4% -> 2.5% Per Level

    Armour Regen

    5s -> 3s Per Level

    Piercing Bullets

    5% -> 2% Per Level

    Fire Rate

    4% -> 2.5% Per Level


    Back Stab Damage

    5% -> 4% Per Level

    Lunge Regen

    5% -> 3% Per Level

    Critical Hit Chance

    3% -> 2% Per Level

    Prop Damage

    25% -> 20% Per Level

    Lunge Speed

    1% -> 0.5% Per Level

    Yin Yang's



    Damage Reduction: 5% -> 7.5% Per Level


    Speed: 1% -> 0% Base


    Stamina & Speed: 15% -> 10% Per Level


    Upgrade Points: P 6 -> 10 Per Level


    Max Upgrade: 4 -> 3 Per Level



    Infection Time: 10s -> 5s Base. 15s -> 10s Per Level


    Bleed Reduction: 2.5% -> 0% Base. 2.5% -> 5% Per Level


    Infection Reduction: 2.5% -> 0% Base. 2.5% -> 5% Per Level


    Upgrade Points: 6 -> 10 Per Level


    Max Upgrade: 4 -> 3 Per Level




    Life Steal: 3% -> 2% (Of Damage) Per Level. 4 -> 3 (Raw Hit) Per Level


    Damage: 40 -> 30 Per Level


    Damage Reduction: 7.5% -> 8% Per Level

    Electric Cherry

    Chance: -10% -> 0%. 20% -> 15% Per Level


    Attack Speed: 10% -> 0% Base



    Duration: 6-12s -> 3-6s


    Base Power: +50%.

    (Survivors now require Line Of Sight)


    Damage: 5% -> 10% Base.15% -> 10% Per Level


    Chance: 25% -> 20% Per Level


    Temp Health: 15 -> 0 Base


    Chance: 0% -> 2.5% Base. 10% -> 7.5% Per Level


    Health Restored: 0% -> 10% Base. 15% -> 10% Per Level

    Zombie Master

    Chance: 0% Base. 15% Per Level


    Chance: 5% -> 0% Base


    ( Bleed Evo now procs at 0.5x Bleed Chance, but can now ignore armour at perk level 5 )


    Panic Pass - Season 4

    Season 4 has also arrived, including the most unique and different types of rewards than ever before! Along with this seasons VIP Survivor Skin!

    For those of you that have not yet reached level 100, or even 200, don't worry, your season will only start when you have completed the previous one.

    There is no rush to complete the first or second season as they must be completed before starting the current/latest season.

    If you are brand new, you will need to complete Season 1, 2 & 3 before activating Season 4.

    Following the anniversary update, unique rewards will now only be usable once you have reached the require prestige rank. Whilst you will still be able to unlock them before a prestige, they will not be activated until you do.

    This change has been added to provide additional balance whilst also rewarding those that prestige.

    For Example, Season 4 Rewards will require Prestige Rank 3. ( Season 1 rewards do not require a prestige rank )

    If you are keen to start season 4 and currently mid way through season 3 ( or even 1 or 2! ), a Buy Season option is available which will allow you to buy any missing levels at 2 tokens per level. This feature will NOT include the VIP Skin. Therefore, if you are aiming for the skin and you still have Pass Days remaining, you will need to complete your Pass the normal way.

    The Skip Season option has now been removed.

    Once you are ready to start Season 4, you can type !pass > Season 4 > Start Season 4 to start your Panic Pass Season 4 Journey!

    Pass Plus will also be provided at a reduced rate for those who bought it for Season 3.

    --- Panic Pass - How it works from level 300 ---

    Once Activated ( !pass ), you will have the chance to complete 2 Pass Levels Per Day.

    Completing a challenge now rewards you with Pass Points, Each level has a Point Goal you must reach to level up.

    For every 10 levels obtained, you will also gain new Unique Permanent Rewards.

    As an additional Cosmetic Bonus, If you manage to reach level 400 within 50 days, you will also unlock the Panic Pass Skin ( VIP Only ).

    *Level 400 can be reached in any amount of Time / Days over 50, The 50 Day Limit is for the Skin Only.*

    All challenges can be completed at any time ( and repeated ), there are no longer any specific challenge requirements to complete a single pass level.

    Instead, each challenge will now award Panic Pass Points. Each level will have a point goal to reach in order to level up your pass.

    This means there will no longer be any annoyance to complete the 'undesirable' challenges, you can now decide which challenges you want to complete in order to level up your pass.

    Roll The Dice - 3

    Mathematician - 2 ( Multiplied by Speed/Participants Left )

    Challenge Inception - 5

    Share Your Wealth - 2 ( For each 5000 Experience )

    !Boost - Double EXP - 10

    Experience Farmer - 1 ( For each 5000 Experience )

    On The Clock - 1 ( Per Minute )

    Brain Lover - 5

    Survivor - 10

    Painful - 5

    An additional menu has also been added to the Panic Pass menu explaining each reward and your current progress (Along with EXP Hud information)

    You will also find an addition menu on !pass that will allow you to toggle chat progress notifications for each challenge point awarded (Notifications are permanently disabled for On The Clock).

    For those of you who love to speed run challenges, the Pass Plus option has been re-added that will allow you to complete an additional pass level each day.

    *Anti-EA Games: All levels and unique rewards can be obtained without spending any previous in-game currency.

    As stated above, the pass plus option has been initially added for speed running purposes (with a small boost in rewards).


    There are no costs to activate the Panic Pass.

    Once activated you will have 50 days to obtain the unique skin, all other rewards have no time limit.

    Once you reach level 10, the rewards will reset back to level 1 ( e.g. Level 11 = level 1 )

    *There are total of 11 Unique Permanent Rewards, Level 400 provides 2. Level 10 Rewards will be kept hidden until discovered in-game!

    Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
    Experience *Random ItemExperience *Tokens *Panic Pass Coins
    Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10
    Premium Points *Experience *VIP DaysExperience *Unique Permanent Reward

    * The Pass Plus Option also provides 10% Additional Rewards to Experience, Tokens and Premium Points per level.

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.5.0 - Melee Mode

    This weeks update adds a new melee counter perk, along with some other melee targeted changes and a new panic perk!


    - Fixes & Changes -


    Several changes have already been implemented to address the initial 'imbalanced' stat changes, this will now be more accurate depending on the Prestige Level and Player Level differences.

    Bots have now been excluded from the feature due to having their own stat modifications already in place.

    Bleed / Lifesteal

    Applying a single stack of bleed should feel more rewarding than it currently does, but not to the point in which it renders bleed resistance and melee builds useless.

    Therefore, Bleed has been slightly re-buffed at a single stack against life steal, providing slightly more life steal reduction for the first bleed stack applied. While this won’t significantly impact higher-ranked zombies that already apply multiple stacks, it will provide a much greater reward for newer players who may be struggling to inflict multiple stacks of bleed due to the resistance update.

    This change will not change the upgrade power bleed upgrades currently provides in different areas ( Damage, Ticks etc )


    - Perks -



    Per Level Damage Reduction 10% -> 7.5%

    *NEW Shockwave

    Shockwave provides Panic with an additional buff, similar to Stomp, Panic will push & slow zombies on activation.

    The power of the Push, Slow & Range is dependant on the Perks Upgrade Level.

    Perk Strength

    5% / 10% / 15% / 20%

    Evo 1

    Gain: Double Perk Power Lose: -1 Second Slow

    Evo 2

    Gain: +2 Second Slow Lose: -50% Perk Power


    *NEW Wither

    Wither ( Similar to Saboteur ) provides zombies with another counter to both Ranged and Melee Weapons.

    The perk provides a 50% fire rate reduction ( For Guns ) and 100% Attack Speed reduction ( For Melee ) for 2 seconds.

    Chance to Proc

    10% / 15% / 20% / 25%

    Evo 1

    Gain: +10% Chance Lose: -1 Second Duration

    Evo 2

    Gain: +2 Second Duration Lose: Halves Perk Chance

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.4.5 - Xmas Event & Safeguard.

    Along with the additional to the skin crashing snowballs, the Xmas EXP Boost has now been enabled

    ( And will be enabled throughout the whole of December ! )

    This small patch also includes a new feature to address the prestige & level power concerns that has been popping up in the last few months.


    - Fixes & Changes -

    Dr Boom

    Now deals the correct amount of damage following the latest Evolutions.


    Additional weight checks have been added to remove incorrect movement speed values after a Reload & Ammo Regeneration.


    - Safeguard -

    One of the key priorities in Fungrades 2024 was giving you the ability and freedom to choose your own path at each prestige level. Whether you want to focus on gaining more perks/power or continue strengthening your character with upgrades, the choice needed to be yours. Although a fun idea in hindsight, the collective power of Upgrades with Perks and Yin Yang's has become a bigger issue than initially predicted ( along with the never ending struggle with an Upgrade Mod ).

    Although forcing a prestige would help, it not a permanent solution as the power struggles and issues would still be somewhat of a a problem at higher levels and higher prestige levels.

    Instead ( And similar to our King Slayer perk in Fungrades 2022 ) a new feature called Safeguard has been added to dynamically balance the power of high ranked players and the new. Giving lower ranked players a much better experience , and not just becoming a training dummy for veterans.

    How it Works

    Safeguarding works by providing a player with dynamic stats, based on the player they are attacking and being attacked from.

    The stat calculation works on the Player level difference and Prestige Rank Difference ( which will become more noticeable and impactful mainly at higher player levels )

    Although the system works primarily on level difference, you will be affected by the 'Safeguard' stats if any of the following conditions are met;

    A: Your Prestige Rank is Higher.

    B: Your Player Level is over 100.

    C: Your Player Level is Higher.

    D: You like Pineapple on Pizza

    *Not all are required

    What it Changes

    The Safeguard stat will have continuous changes over the next few weeks that will change how it interacts with the current upgrades.

    So if you feel that changes are too weak, or too strong, changes are going to be made based on the stat feedback ( and player feedback ).

    !Stats <Target> will now provide how much safeguarding stats you or your target has active.

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.4.0 - Viva La Resistance!

    (Infection and Bleed Rework Balance Patch)

    Bleed and its resistance has been in an odd state since release ( Mainly due to the lack of options before a prestige ).

    With the additions to bleed perks and evolutions, it is time bleed was given its own default resistance stat that's available for all players from level 1.

    This weeks update addresses the problem by replacing the infection protection upgrade with Resistance (and reverting the 'band-aid' armour/bleed change). With this change, and similar to the changes made with the speed upgrade, infection chance is also being scaled down for both teams. Bleed and infection is also being split further apart for both teams, which both Survivors and Zombies will need to decide which stat they would like to prioritise in all types of builds.


    - Changes & Fixes -

    Medic Aura

    Infection Protection Aura 15% -> Resistance Aura 5%

    *Medics now provide both Infection and Bleed Resistance

    Carrier Bonuses

    Infection and Bleed Bonus 10% -> 5%

    Armour & Bleed / Infection

    Armour will now double your Infection and Bleed resistances from physical damage.

    Perks and Evolutions will now clearly state if any Bleed or Infection interactions will bypass Armour.

    *Armour has been reverted to provide 2x Bleed Resistance level ( from full immunity )

    This change has been reverted to remove the temporary 'band aid' on bleed chance.

    Infection Turn Time

    Infection turn time has been permanently set to 90 seconds.

    Turn time will now also show as a stat on the !stats menu for zombies.


    - Upgrades -


    *REMOVED Infection Protection

    *NEW Resistance

    Provides 0.5% per level resistance against Bleed & Infection.

    You will now have individual Bleed & Infection resistance options throughout the mod. This upgrade being the first and accessible to all players.

    !stats will now provide information on your current resistances for both Bleed and Infection. For survivors, the new changes to a few Yin Yang's will now allow you prioritise each resistance specifically.


    Infection Chance

    1.0% Per Level -> 0.5% Per Level

    *Due to the reduction of infection protection for survivors, infection chance is being reduced to match and scale equally.

    Bleed Chance

    1.5% Per Level -> 1.0% Per Level

    *Although Inflicting Bleed (for zombies) is receiving a nerf this patch, bleed will ultimately remain strong due to the changes made to Survivor Yin Yang's and Zombie Infection/Bleed Perk interactions with Armour.


    - Yin Yang's -

    *The majority of updates to the following Yin Yang's are primarily for scaling the infection and bleed resistance changes.



    Infection Resistance - Base +5% -> +2.5% Per Level +7.5% -> +2.5%

    Bleed - Changed to NEW* Bleed Resistance

    Bleed Resistance - Base -5% -> -0% Per Level -7.5% -> -2.5%


    Bleed - Changed to NEW* Bleed Resistance

    Bleed Resistance - Base +0% -> +2.5% Per Level +7.5% -> +2.5%

    Infection Resistance - Per Level -7.5% -> -2.5%



    Base Infection +0% -> +2.5% Per Level +5% -> +2.5%

    Base Bleed -0% -> -2.5% Per Level -5% -> -2.5%


    Base Bleed +0% -> +2.5% Per Level +5% -> +2.5%

    Base Infection -0% -> -2.5% Per Level -5% -> -2.5%


    Per Level Infection -5% -> -2.5%


    - Perks & Evolutions -



    Melee Stacks 4 -> 2

    ( Evo 2 ) Minimum Stacks 10 -> 5


    ( Evo 1 ) Changed to Gain: +2.5% Resistance. Lose: -1 Perk Level

    ( Evo 2 ) Changed to Gain: +1 Perk Level. Lose: -2.5% Resistance.


    ( Evo 2 ) Minimum Stamina 50% -> 15% Per Vantage Perk Level

    Ammosmith & Penetrator

    CHANGED* Now provides 5% Per Level (From 15% at all Levels ). Previous ammo/guns are now included.


    ( Evo 2 ) Fixed issue that included grenades in the weapon pool. This upgrade is strictly guns only.


    ( Evo 2 ) Bleed stack removal chance has now also been set to a maximum of 25%



    Now fully bypasses Armour for Infection Spread Only

    ( Evo 1 ) +2.5% -> +2% Infection for each mutated player


    Now fully bypasses Armour for Infection Spread Only

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.3.0 - Evolutions ( Phase 2 )

    The second wave of evolutions have arrived! Perks have been once again been given an alternative use, changing the way in which the perk works and its defect, Along with information on the new Last Stand System that has been active in the server over the last week and more.

    Player speed has also been slightly tweaked to balance out the disparity of new and veteran players, and a much overdue fix for Zombie Health/Speed penalty.


    - Changes & Fixes -

    Zombie Health - Speed Penalty

    Following the Tank Patch in 1.9.5, An oversight with the speed penalty has been resolved this patch.

    Tank zombies will now receive the correct speed penalty based on the amount of health they have upgraded, which should result in less Ferrari Tank builds running around...


    The speed system has been adjusted with minor tweaks to reduce the gap between new and veteran players.

    Base upgrade speed has been slightly increased, while per-level upgrade gains have been reduced to balance the new base change.

    This update provides a modest boost to starting stats and upgrade power for new players, with minimal impact on high-level veteran players.

    For a graphical understanding of the change:

    As base speed has been buffed, Speed Perks and Yin Yang's will be slightly stronger by default.

    The Survivor Speed stamina penalty has also been reduced by 20% to match the previous stamina regen nerf.

    New Player Bonus

    The new player bonus now actives for players up to Prestige Level 1 -> 2 & Level 100.

    !settings & !hud

    !settings ( an alias to !hud ) has been removed due to a conflict with Sourcemod causing the menu to occasionally disappear.

    2 New options have been added to disable the Status On-Screen Hud ( Default: On ) & New Chat Notifications ( Default: Off )

    Chat notifications currently include the new Tech/Commando ammo restoration messages.

    Server Events ( Snail Mode )

    An issue causing speed to overlap and unintentionally reset has been fixed during, and after the event.

    Last Stand System

    The last stand system ( Which has been active and tested in the current version ) has returned with some further improvements and features since its first appearance back in 2011!.

    On specific ( Camp Prone ) maps, the last stand feature will automatically activate for the last survivor after a small duration. Once activated, the Survivor has 1 minute to survive. During this time, the Survivor or Zombies will received a Nerf/Buff to their stats. Each last stand will randomise the Buff or Nerf which includes Zombie Health Buffs, Survivor Ammo Regeneration Removal, Zombie Speed etc.

    Surviving the round will provide a 15% Point Rate Bonus.

    Killing and dealing damage to the last survivor will also provide an experience boost to all zombies that contribute in taking them down!

    The killing blow will provide 20% of the experience gained by the survivor for that round ( Before all experience rate bonuses have been applied ).

    Smoke/Cloud Colour Changes

    Toughness Smoke/Clouds will now become a Yellow ( Engineer Evo )

    Bleed related Smoke/Cloud colours are now Red.

    A full list of colours are available on the Fungrades Wiki

    Perk & Evo Menu Connection (QOL)

    Perks and Evolutions now have a direct link between them. This means you can now instantly access the Perk and its Evolutions from their own respective Perk/Evo Menu. This removes the need to continuously type !perk and !evo when modifying and making new builds.


    - Evolutions -


    Saboteur ( Evo 1 )

    Saboteur no longer swipes ranged weapons. Switches to melee only.


    Enrage ( Evo 1 )

    Toughness Gained when active 10% -> 20%

    Vampire ( Evo 1 )

    Now provides 10 -> 20 Health Per Kill

    Phase 2 Evolutions

    Phase 2 evolutions have arrived, allowing you to once again fine tune your builds even further!

    *Only 1 evolution can be enabled per Perk.

    Survivors Evolution Change
    Revitaliser 25% Damage Chance to remove a bleed stack Bleed damage is 100% Stronger against you.
    Vantage Minimum Stamina is set to 50% x0.5 Perk Power
    Barbarian Also increases bleed resistance by Perk % Level. Lose Perk % Level Infection Protection.
    Haemorrhage Heal from bleed ticks applied to Zombies -25% Overall Bleed Chance
    Pyro Fire spread range & duration increased by 50% -1 Perk Level
    Technician +1 Perk Level -10% Ammo Regen
    Specialist +1 Perk Level Passive Disabled
    Electric Cherry Stun deals double <Damage upgrade> level damage. -50% Stun Duration
    Engineer +50% Smoke Duration -1 Perk Level
    Trapper +25% Barricade regen speed -50% Board Health
    DrBoom +50% Range -25% Perk Damage
    Exhaust +50% Duration -1 Perk Level
    Ammosmith Increases Damage from 15% to 25% -10% Piercing Damage
    Penetrator Increases Piercing Damage from 15% to 25% -10% Damage
    Lightning Fist Double damage on ranged targets -50% Stun Duration
    Fortitude Min Stacks 10 Max Stacks -10
    Buck +50% Perk Damage Half Stack Duration & Half Max Duration
    Commando Changes to All Weapons -1 Perk Level
    Buster +1 Perk Level ( can exceed level 4 ) -10% Ammo Regen
    Zombies Evolution Change
    Bloodthirster x1.25 Perk Lifesteal x0.75 Max Health
    Berserker x1.5 Perk Power Changes to every 4th attack.
    Gravedigger Changes to Additional Damage -1 Perk Level
    Bloodhound Bleed now applies 2 stacks of bleed per proc Halves your bleed chance.
    Blaze Fire now procs Bleed. -20% Blaze Chance
    Plague Plague now inflicts bleed ( Using Bleed Chance ) No longer causes infection.
    Enrage Gain +5% speed when active -1 Perk Level
    Claw x1.5 Perk Power x0.75 Overall Bleed & Infection Chance
    Saboteur You can now swipe both Ranged & Melee Weapons x0.5 Perk Chance
    Hive Hive Zombies now have x1.25 Max Health -50% Hive Health
    Vampire Kills provide +10% Damage x0.5 Health Gained
    Mutator Level 4 Mutation now spreads bleed (Ignoring Armour) No longer spreads infection
    Zombie Master +1 Perk Level Passive Removed
    Maniac +50% Explosion Range x0.5 Perk Damage
    Smoke +1 Perk Level -25% Smoke Chance
    Stomp +50% Range No longer applies bleed damage
    Ignite x1.5 Duration of Fires -1 Perk Level
    Resurrect No Stat De-Buffs You will die after 6 seconds.
    Reflect Ignores Armour -1 Perk Level

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.2.0 - The Panic Pass Season 3!

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, it’s time for Season 3 to enthrall!


    - Changes -

    Bleed & Armour

    Armour now fully protects against bleed. Previously, bleed reduced the chance of the attackers bleed by half.

    As building against bleed currently has very few options compared to infection, a simple solution to slow down the bleeding severity was required. And although curing bleed is currently easier due to the assistance of Med packs and Pills, maps without many health items was causing a little too much imbalance.

    Therefore, armour has been buffed to fully counter Bleed, which now opens up further options to counter bleed with armour based upgrades/perks/yin yang's ( if bleed had previously been a problem for you of course ).


    Panic Pass - Season 3 has arrived !

    Season 3 has arrived with some brand new rewards along with a second unique VIP Carrier Skin!

    For those of you that have not yet reached level 100, or even 200, don't worry, your season will only start when you have completed the previous one.

    There is no rush to complete the first or second season as they must be completed before starting the following.

    If you are brand new, you will need to complete Season 1 or 2 before activating Season 3.

    If you are keen to start season 3 and currently mid way through season 2 ( or even 1! ), a Buy Season option is available which will allow you to buy any missing levels at 2 tokens per level. This feature will NOT include the VIP Skin. Therefore, if you are aiming for the skin and you still have Pass Days remaining, you will need to complete your Pass the normal way.

    For those that do not not want season 1 or 2 rewards ( or the remaining ones ) you can also skip season 1 & 2.

    ( WARNING : There will be no opportunity to undo this or claim season 1 & 2 rewards once activated and you will lose out on unique permanent rewards. )

    A confirmation feature has been added to prevent accidental clicks

    Once you are ready to start Season 3, you can type !pass > Season 3 > Start Season 3 This will start your Panic Pass Season 3

    Pass Plus will also be provided at a reduced rate for those who bought it for Season 2.

    --- Panic Pass - How it works from level 200 ---

    Once Activated ( !pass ), you will have the chance to complete 2 Pass Levels Per Day.

    Completing a challenge now rewards you with Pass Points, Each level has a Point Goal you must reach to level up.

    For every 10 levels obtained, you will also gain new Unique Permanent Rewards.

    As an additional Cosmetic Bonus, If you manage to reach level 300 within 50 days, you will also unlock the Panic Pass Skin ( VIP Only ).

    *Level 300 can be reached in any amount of Time / Days over 50, The 50 Day Limit is for the Skin Only.*

    All challenges can be completed at any time ( and repeated ), there are no longer any specific challenge requirements to complete a single pass level.

    Instead, each challenge will now award Panic Pass Points. Each level will have a point goal to reach in order to level up your pass.

    This means there will no longer be any annoyance to complete the 'undesirable' challenges, you can now decide which challenges you want to complete in order to level up your pass.

    Although this change will prevent some instant level-ups from a few of the simple challenges, overall, it will make levelling the pass far more 'stress-free' than before, and quicker compared to some of the time based challenges.

    Below is the list of each Challenge and the amount of Pass Points they will award.

    Roll The Dice - 3

    Mathematician - 2 ( Multiplied by Speed/Participants Left )

    Challenge Inception - 5

    Share Your Wealth - 2 ( For each 5000 Experience )

    !Boost - Double EXP - 10

    Experience Farmer - 1 ( For each 5000 Experience )

    On The Clock - 1 ( Per Minute )

    Brain Lover - 5

    Survivor - 10

    Painful - 5

    An additional menu has also been added to the Panic Pass menu explaining each reward and your current progress (Along with EXP Hud information)

    You will also find an addition menu on !pass that will allow you to toggle chat progress notifications for each challenge point awarded (Notifications are permanently disabled for On The Clock).

    For those of you who love to speed run challenges, the Pass Plus option has been re-added that will allow you to complete an additional pass level each day.

    *Anti-EA Games: All levels and unique rewards can be obtained without spending any previous in-game currency.

    As stated above, the pass plus option has been initially added for speed running purposes (with a small boost in rewards).


    There are no costs to activate the Panic Pass.

    Once activated you will have 50 days to obtain the unique skin, all other rewards have no time limit.

    Once you reach level 10, the rewards will reset back to level 1 ( e.g. Level 11 = level 1 )

    *There are total of 11 Unique Permanent Rewards, Level 300 provides 2. Level 10 Rewards will be kept hidden until discovered in-game!

    Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
    Experience *Random ItemExperience *Tokens *Panic Pass Coins
    Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10
    Premium Points *Experience *VIP DaysExperience *Unique Permanent Reward

    * The Pass Plus Option also provides 10% Additional Rewards to Experience, Tokens and Premium Points per level.

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.1.0

    A small additional balance patch following 2.0.5 changes, along with some various bug fixes and code improvements.

    Infection has now also been given a stat cap. While this won't impact high-infection builds too much, mainly those who don't upgrade Infection Protection at all, it will now introduce a slight chance to avoid instant infection from a single hit ( Mainly those builds with the close to 100% infection chance )


    - Changes -

    Fire Pools & Server Crashes - Update!

    We have had 0 fire rated crashes since the custom fire was added, we even had a 5 day streak without any crashes last week!

    Infection Cap

    An additional cap has been added for infection.

    Max Infection - 60%

    *Remember, stat caps are applied after all player v player calculations which makes over-levelling still viable.


    - Upgrades -



    Regen Per Level reduced by 20%


    - Yin Yang's -



    Base Stamina Reduction 10% -> 0%



    Base Explosive Resistance 0% -> 10%


    - Perks -



    Melee Stacks Per Hit - 3 -> 4



    Chance Per Level 3% -> 4%


    Base Chance 0% -> 5%


    Base Chance 4% -> 0%

    Per Level Chance 4% -> 6%


    - Evolutions -


    Electric Cherry

    Stun Duration Reduction 50% -> 30%

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.0.5 - Small QOL Update

    This weeks 'Smaller' update includes a change to the Panic Pass levelling system, along with some and some minor Perk & YY changes.

    Anti-Infection is being slightly buffed through Medics, providing an additional 5% on the aura, with changes to the base regen and regen upgrade.


    - Changes -

    Fire Pools & Server Crashes

    A custom made fire has now been designed top hopefully resolve and/or reduce the increased fire based server crashes we have had recently. There are currently two 'workarounds' in the event the first 'preferred' method continues to cause issues.

    *Blaze will also return to its original power while this is being tested.

    !settings / !hud

    An additional option has been added to enable or disable the 'Fire Damage' values being displayed on your Damage Hud.

    (This is the damage caused by both Fire Pools and Player Ignites)

    Panic Pass

    All challenges can now be completed at any time, there are no longer any specific challenge requirements to complete a single pass level.

    Instead, each challenge will now award Panic Pass Points. Each level will have a point goal to reach in order to level up your pass.

    This means there will no longer be any annoyance to complete the 'undesirable' challenges, you can now decide which challenges you want to complete in order to level up your pass.

    Although this change will prevent some instant level-ups from a few of the simple challenges, overall, it will make levelling the pass far more 'stress-free' than before, and quicker compared to some of the time based challenges.

    Below is the list of each Challenge and the amount of Pass Points they will award.

    Roll The Dice - 3

    Mathematician - 2 ( Multiplied by Speed/Participants Left )

    Challenge Inception - 5

    Share Your Wealth - 2 ( For each 5000 Experience )

    !Boost - Double EXP - 10

    Experience Farmer - 1 ( For each 5000 Experience )

    On The Clock - 1 ( Per Minute )

    Brain Lover - 5

    Survivor - 10

    Painful - 5

    An additional menu has also been added to the Panic Pass menu explaining each reward and your current progress (Along with EXP Hud information)

    You will also find an addition menu on !pass that will allow you to toggle chat progress notifications for each challenge point awarded (Notifications are permanently disabled for On The Clock).


    Cure Charges - Base Charges 1 -> 2

    Heal Speed - 0.4s - 0.3s Per Level

    Infection Resistance Aura - 10% -> 15%

    Base Regen Time 120s -> 100s

    Per Level Regen Time 8s -> 6s


    Max Pre-sets per Team 7 -> 14


    - Yin Yang's -



    Infection Protection Per Level 5% -> 7.5%. Bleed Chance Per Level -5% -> -7.5%


    Per Level - Ranged Damage 7.5% -> 10.0% Melee Damage 7.5% -> 10.0%

    With the several additions of nerfs, counters, and other 'Anti-Melee' tools zombies now have, Thor can be reverted back to its original power due to the increased risk factor for playing a melee build.


    Armour per Level 7 -> 10


    Base Stamina 10% -> 0% Per Level 10% -> 15%

    Base Speed 10% -> 0% Per Level 10% -> 15%


    Base Bleed Chance 0% -> 10%


    Base Thorn Damage 0% -> 25%



    Lunge Speed Per Level 1.5% -> 2%

    Lunge Regen Base 0% -> -10%


    - Perks -



    Reduced Air Infection Radius by 25%


    - Evolutions -



    Additional Infection Per Mutation 5% -> 2.5%.

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.0.0 - Evolutions

    This weeks update adds a fun new feature to the system named Evolutions ( !evo ).

    Evolutions, a result of when a Perk meets a Yin Yang, will allow you to alternate your perks into.. something else.

    Added as an additional prestige upgrade option for the amount you can use, you will now be able to modify your builds even further ( even increasing your perk to level 5 in some cases ). Evolutions have been designed to provide even more flexibility with builds, giving increased options to how you want to play, and further increasing the specific stat or synergies from all fungrade upgrades and features.


    - Server Crashes -

    We've had a bunch of crashes recently for various reasons. One of the issues seems to now have been fixed, and even had a few days without any crashes at all ( eg Tuesday and Wednesday this week ). However, there are still a few more crash causes that we should be able to resolve or at least reduce.

    The most common cause is currently down to the use of fire, whether this is fire created from Fungrades, or the new interaction we have with fire affecting specific maps in general. Therefore, before we completely disable specific perks and features fully, we're going to reduce and simplify some of them first, starting with the Blaze Perk ( And Partially Ignite ).

    The first Temporary change is to revert blaze back to a single fire pool, Fire created from Blaze or Ignite will also no longer spawn an additional pool of fire in the radius of another.

    Although this is not the only cause for server crashes, some are, and will always be unresolvable due to engine related issues.

    Regardless, expect further changes over the next few days/weeks as perks may still need to be temporarily disabled until we can pin point the most common cause.


    - Changes -

    Gas/Smoke/Cloud Colours

    As we now have several different 'gas clouds', here is a simple colour key list to quickly understand the differences between each one.

    This will also be updated and added to the Wiki.

    Blue Gas Cloud - Survivor Perk 'Engineer' - Reduces Zombies Movement

    Red Gas Clouds - Survivor Evo Perk 'Engineer' - Reduces Toughness on Zombies

    White/Grey Gas Cloud - Zombie Perk 'Smoke' - Reduces Survivor Stats

    Green Gas Clouds - Zombie Perk 'Plague' - Infects Survivors

    Purple Gas Clouds - Zombie Perk 'Plague' & 'Mutation' Combo - Infects Survivors with Mutation

    Survivor Inflicted Slow Cap

    Max Slow increased from 30% -> 40%

    RTD Tri-Force

    The Tri-Force now has 500 Health. Regenerates 2 health per second.

    Health is displayed on the EXP Hud when active.


    Fixed a bug which repeatedly switched perks after each additional load of the same preset


    Infection Protection now works in a large radius around the Medic. ( Previously this was +5% per active medic )

    Players near a medic will now receive a 10% Infection Protection Bonus, the effect does not stack from multiple Medics.


    Burn/Ignite damage by default is not associated to a player/attacker, now If you ignite someone, you will also be the damage inflictor.

    This change will be relevant for the New Reflect & Ignite Evolution & current Pyro Perk. Blaze and Ignite Perks already send damage correctly from their pool of fires.


    Will now load regardless of its saved level. Presets with a higher level will now no longer load upgrades.


    - Prestige Upgrades -

    *NEW Evolutions

    Increases the amount of Evolutions you can use ( !evo )

    *Evolutions do not have their own 'currency' to use


    - Perks -



    Infection Protection Removed.


    Slow re-coded to be raw % values ( Matching Cripple & Endurance values )

    Per Level 10% -> 5%

    * Due to the code modification, this change is not in fact a nerf, and can almost be seen as a buff in some cases.

    (Zombies with little endurance to no endurance will now be affected slightly more from the slow)


    Fire Duration increased by 50%



    Per Level 20 -> 15


    - Evolutions -

    Survivors Evolution Change
    Revitaliser You can over-heal by 50% Max Health Bleed stacks are 50% stronger
    Vantage You now weigh 25% less from Weapons & Ammo -25% Perk Power
    Barbarian Also Provides 5% Bleed & 5% Infection Resistance -25% Perk Power
    Haemorrhage Double perk level damage -25% Total Bleed Chance
    Pyro Deal double perk level damage to targets on fire Fire spread range & duration reduced by 50%
    Technician Kills replenish 25% mag size from reserves -25% Perk Power
    Specialist Double Passive Strength -1 Perk Level
    Electric Cherry +50% Stun Range -50% Stun Duration
    Engineer Converted to Reduce Toughness No longer Slows
    Trapper +25% Damage -25% Barricade regen speed
    DrBoom +25% Damage -25% Explosion Range
    Exhaust Also reduces Damage -60% De-buff Duration
    Ammosmith Convert to Piercing Damage No longer deals Damage
    Penetrator Convert to Damage No longer deals Piercing Damage
    Lightning Fist +30% stun duration No longer deals damage on additional targets
    Fortitude Change to Infection Protection No longer provides Bleed Resistance
    Buck Double Stack Duration & Max Duration -25% Perk Damage
    Commando +1 Perk Level ( can exceed level 4 ) -10% Fire Rate
    Buster +1 Perk Level ( can exceed level 4 ) -10% Fire Rate
    Zombies Evolution Change
    Bloodthirster Also reduces targets max health by <perk level> per hit -50% Perk Life Steal
    Berserker Damage converts to Additional Bleed Chance 3rd hit no longer deals extra damage
    Gravedigger Changes to Temp Health -
    Bloodhound deal double 'additional' damage Halves your total Bleed Chance.
    Blaze +50% duration of fires -20% Blaze Chance
    Plague 30% Increased Size +30s Infection Turn Time
    Enrage You gain +10% Toughness when active -1 Perk Level
    Claw Converts to Non-Armoured Targets You no longer deal damage to armour.
    Saboteur You can now swipe melee weapons You cannot break ranged weapons
    Hive No longer passively loses health +50% Health Cost per Spawn
    Vampire Kills provide +10 max health -50% health gained
    Mutator +5% Infection for each mutated player +30s Infection Turn Time
    Zombie Master Double Passive Strength -1 Perk Level
    Maniac +50% Range & Damage -50% Perk Chance
    Smoke Also reduces fire rate ( Uses Damage Stat ) No longer slows
    Stomp Uses your bleed chance to inflict bleed stacks -30% Stomp Range
    Ignite Now Ignites the Survivor instead ( 2-5 seconds ). Fire pools disabled (Players & Props).
    Resurrect You will now spawn with 100% Health.. ..and Deal -50% Damage Instead
    Reflect Switches to fire ( 2-5 seconds ) No longer inflicts bleed

    Fungrades 2024 - 1.9.5 - World of Tanks

    This week's minor mid-version patch addresses the strength of the Tank Yin Yang.

    The Tank Yin Yang was designed to be a powerful single upgrade option that enabled lower ranked players to compete against higher-ranked players from as early as prestige level 1. However, its 'overpowering' strength at all ranks has made it a 'required' choice, regardless of the build you are aiming for.

    To correct this without changing the current 'meta' and balance of the mod 'too much', the health benefit is being fully removed from the Tank Yin Yang.

    Instead, the strength of the health stat is moving to a more global position, by buffing the Health Upgrade.

    Although this does not ultimately nerf and remove tank builds, it will require some additional upgrades & perks/yin yang's to re-establish a good tanky build. This change will also benefit all other builds by providing increased health from a single upgrade, specifically for those who previously did not utilize the Tank Yin Yang.


    - Changes -

    Stat Caps - Fungrades 2024 offers the ability to upgrade and increase many stats to levels that have neve been achievable in any previous mod, although the mod provides good options to counter specific builds, certain stats can be overwhelming for new players and those who currently lack options to counter them.

    For this reason, some necessary stat caps have been introduced.

    For Survivors, the max Slow applied to a zombie can no longer exceed 30%.

    For Zombies, max Toughness can no longer exceed 60%.

    *These limitations are currently set to high values and should not make much difference between high level players. The limits are also applied after all stat calculations have been made against the target player. This makes upgrading beyond the cap still worthwhile.

    Bots - The bots have once again... evolved..

    Bots will now be randomly assigned perks and yin yang's each time they join a round. Upgrade levels have also been randomised from their previous fixed level 20 values. They have also learned to 'dodge' a little better.. so beware..

    Medic - Medics will no longer heal themselves passively, instead, medics will now heal from the support they give to other survivors ( Curing & Bandaging ). This change should further enforce medics to actually play as a 'medic'

    This works the same way in which the Mender perk operates.

    RTD Tri-Force - Now provides an activation menu.


    - Upgrades -



    No Longer Reduces Lunge Regen Per Level.

    *The loss of stamina for survivors was a greater impact than the zombies negative upgrade trait, for this reason, the negative upgrade 'passive' for zombies has now been moved to the health upgrade.


    Per Level changed to 3 -> 4.

    Now slightly reduces speed per level.

    *As the stamina loss is a big factor for speed on survivors, It's time Zombies had an equivalent mechanism that also balances their key stat survivability.


    - Yin Yang's -


    Bludgeon - Base Bleed 0% -> 5%


    Tank - Health Stat Removed.

    Hunter - Speed Base 1% -> 0%. Per Level 1.5% -> 2%

    Charger - Lunge Speed Per Level 1% -> 1.5%

    Shell - Back Toughness 6% -> 7.5%. Front Toughness -6% -> -5%

    *Shell is receiving an additional buff following the tank changes. It has also been given separate values for its positive and negative traits.


    - Perks -


    Trapper - Self Damage Range increased by 25%

    - Per Level Raw HP 5 -> 4. Per Level % HP 2.5% -> 3%

    Buster - Changed to Missing Health

    *Buster was designed to maintain balance across all weapons, however, high-damage weapons were taking advantage of the current damage interaction from their first hit, making them a better choice when compared to low-damage/automatic weapons (e.g. rifles / pistols).

    This adjustment, by switching to missing health, also addresses the unintentional concern of zombies becoming somewhat 'weaker' with each health upgrade/perk/yin yang they obtain.

    Specialist - Piercing Damage applied to starting weapons 5% -> 7.5% ( at all levels )


    Reflect - Base Chance 0% -> 4%. Per Level Chance 5% -> 4%

    Blaze & Ignite - Duration +20%. You will no longer take damage from your own fire.

    Fungrades 2024 - 1.9.0 - The Panic Pass Season 2!

    It is time for the Panic Pass Season 2! With some changes made to ammo regen and optional counters to tank zombie builds.

    Several Perks/Yin Yang's have also been modified to provide an equal amount of strength per level, whilst retaining their level 4 stats.

    Two new types of perks have been introduced that operate based on the percentage of damage you deal and/or receive, similar to how Bleed Chance works. This type of damage percentage interaction ensures that all guns/damage gain equal benefit from the perk.


    - Changes & Fixes -

    Prestige Skin - Prestige Rank 4 Skin - Will now correctly be shown on the prestige menu.

    Ammo Regen - Ammo Regen will now be adjusted based on map win rates. Historically, ammo regeneration has been influenced solely by Team Balance, with a reduction early in the game and a boost late in the game, varying between -25% and +25% for survivors. With the new update, Ammo Regen will now provide a small nerf, or boost, according to the current maps win rate.

    You can view the live ammo regen rate and your personal rate through the !stats command to see your current regen rate.

    The changes will generally only be noticeable on maps that have super high win rates ( 30% + ) or super low ( 5% - ).

    For the majority of maps that have good win rates, this change and modifier will not be enabled.

    Panic Pass - Season 1 Prestige Upgrade Reward was giving an incorrect amount from its intended value of 1. This has now been fixed, and also changed to provide 2 Points instead. ( Sorry preset users )

    Bleed - Has been given its own sound when inflicted upon a player.

    Infection - The Plague Cloud and Mutation will now correctly proc in all situations

    Resurrect - Additional re-spawn checks for world and props to prevent getting stuck in objects, vents and other map features.

    EXP Hud - Fixed some cases of the flashing EXP Hud when playing as a medic

    Fire Rate - Experimental changes to fire rate to work with pistols and shotguns more effectively.


    - Perks -


    *NEW Buster

    A % of the damage you deal is then used to inflict additional % damage based on the target's current health.

    *This perk has been designed to be more effective against higher health zombies whilst being less effective ( than other available perks ) against zombies with a lower/normal HP pool.

    5% / 7.5% / 10% / 12.5%

    Lightning Fist

    Stun Duration +20%


    Base max stacks 0 -> 5


    Damage per Stack 7.5% -> 10%. Max Stack Duration 25s -> 20s


    *NEW Reflect

    A % of melee damage you receive will provide a chance to inflict bleed back at your attacker

    5% / 10% / 15% / 20%


    Per Level Health 15 -> 20


    Base Max Health Restored 10% -> 0%. Per Level Max Health Restored 10% -> 15%


    Chance Per Level 2.5% -> 3%


    Mutation Stacks will now only increase from additional infection procs.

    Level 1 Mutation no longer instantly removes all stamina, instead, stamina regeneration will be reduced by 50%

    *Instantly losing up to 15% Speed for a level 1 perk has proved to be a little too strong.


    - Yin Yang's -



    Base Melee Damage 10% -> 0%. Per Level Melee Damage 5% -> 7.5%.

    Base Ranged Damage 10% -> 0%. Per Level Ranged Damage 5% -> 7.5%

    *Thor has been reduced at the early levels to provide and equal amount of strength per level.


    Regen Time Per Level 5s -> 7s


    Base Bleed 5% -> 0% Per Level Bleed 5% -> 7.5%.

    Base Infection Reduction 5% -> 0%


    Melee Damage Reduction 5% -> 4%


    Max Single Upgrade 3 -> 4 Per Level



    Base HP & Toughness 4% -> 0%. Per Level HP & Toughness 4% -> 5%.

    Base Speed Reduction 1% -> 0%. Per Level Speed Reduction 2% -> 2.5%

    *The strength of tank has been reduced at the early levels to provide an equal amount of positive and negative stats per level.


    Base Headshot Toughness 5% -> 0%. Per Level Headshot Toughness 5% -> 7.5%


    Back Toughness Per Level 5% -> 6%

    Front Toughness Per Level 5% -> 6%


    Max Single Upgrade 3 -> 4 Per Level


    Panic Pass - Season 2 has arrived !

    Season 2 has arrived with some brand new rewards along with a new unique VIP Carrier Skin!

    The Pass Days have now been increased to 50. This will allow you to reach 100 without spending Pass Coins to buy the additional days needed if you do not opt in for Pass Plus. This gives non plus players more freedom with their coins if they are aiming to unlock the VIP Skin.

    For those of you that have not yet reached level 100, don't worry, your season will only start when you have completed the first.

    There is no rush to complete the first season as this must be completed before starting the second.

    However, if you are keen to start season 2, a buy season option has been added which will allow you to buy any missing levels at 2 tokens per level. This feature will NOT include the VIP Skin. Therefore, if you are aiming for the skin and you still have Pass Days remaining, you will need to complete your Pass the normal way.

    For those that do not not want season 1 rewards ( or the remaining ones ) you can also skip season 1.

    ( WARNING : There will be no opportunity to undo this or claim season 1 rewards once activated and you will lose out on unique permanent rewards. )

    A confirmation feature has been added to prevent accidental clicks

    Once you are ready to start Season 2, you can type !pass > Season 2 > Start Season 2 This will start your Panic Pass Season 2 and provide you with your first challenge!

    Pass Plus will also be provided at a reduced rate for those who bought it for Season 1.

    --- Panic Pass - How it works from level 100 ---

    Once Activated ( !pass ), you will have the chance to complete 2 Challenges per day.

    Completing a challenge will reward you with a Level Based Reward ( See Table Below ).

    For every 10 levels obtained, you will also gain new Unique Permanent Rewards.

    As an additional Cosmetic Bonus, If you manage to reach level 200 within 50 days, you will also unlock the Panic Pass Skin ( VIP Only ).

    *Level 200 can be reached in any amount of Time / Days over 50, The 50 Day Limit is for the Skin Only.*

    Challenges are fully reset and randomized everyday automatically.

    There are a total of 10 different Challenges which will be randomly and automatically assigned on round start or on the completion of a previous challenge

    For those of you who love to speed run challenges, the Pass Plus option has been re-added that will allow you to complete an additional challenge each day.

    *Anti-EA Games: All levels and unique rewards can be obtained without spending any previous in-game currency.

    As stated above, the pass plus option has been initially added for speed running purposes (with a small boost in rewards).


    There are no costs to activate the Panic Pass.

    Once activated you will have 50 days to obtain the unique skin, all other rewards have no time limit.

    Once you reach level 10, the rewards will reset back to level 1 ( e.g. Level 11 = level 1 )

    *There are total of 11 Unique Permanent Rewards, Level 200 provides 2. Level 10 Rewards will be kept hidden until discovered in-game!

    Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
    Experience *Random ItemExperience *Tokens *Panic Pass Coins
    Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10
    Premium Points *Experience *VIP DaysExperience *Unique Permanent Reward

    * The Pass Plus Option also provides 10% Additional Rewards to Experience, Tokens and Premium Points per level.

    Fungrades 2024 - 1.8.0 - Major Balance Update #1

    As we head into our 6 month release milestone, this update aims to correct the current imbalance and issues caused by the unintentional strength of high player-level upgrade power possible at lower prestige ranks ( whilst also further reducing the negative impact of each new prestige ).

    Fungrades 2024 was heavily built around the prestige system to slow down and limit player strength in stages. However, the early drawbacks at higher prestige ranks have proven to be a little too limiting and punishing for the time spent to get to each new prestige rank. The negativity of each rank is further boosted when compared to the significant advantage you can obtain by levelling beyond 100 (especially at the lower prestige ranks).

    Therefore, upgrade power has been moderately changed by increasing the upgrade strength of lower levels and decreasing that of later levels.

    This shift of power will also help reduce the gap between new and high-level players, ultimately increasing player skill over upgrade power.


    - Prestige & Upgrade Balance Changes -

    Starting Upgrade Points - 10 -> 20

    A change to further assist new players, as well as a boost to each new prestige obtained for all players.

    Upgrade Points - The focus of Fungrades 2024 was build around Prestige Perk and Yin Yang Power

    Currently, the dominance and disparity in upgrades alone is far greater than initially intended.

    For this reason, you will now only gain 1 Upgrade Point for every 2 levels obtained after 100.

    This is increased by an additional level for every additional 100 levels ( 200 = 1 upgrade point every 3 levels ).

    Prestige Rewards - You will now receive 3 Additional Upgrade Points for each new prestige.

    *Higher Prestige Levels can and will feel punishing when its easier to keep strong by continuing to level and max out upgrades.

    in 1.7.0, additional max levels were added for each prestige, this additional 'buff' will further reward each prestige rank you reach.

    Prestige Experience 'Cashback' - Alongside the additional upgrade points, a 'cashback' system has been added for all players.

    Any wasted/additional experience gained beyond level 100 will now be added to a prestige experience 'cashback' balance.

    How it Works

    When earning experience below level 100, you will gain an additional 10% at the end of each round (as EXP Rate).

    The experience earned at the end of each round will then be deducted from your cashback balance. Once your cashback balance reaches zero, the additional experience bonus will be disabled.

    Don't worry if you have recently ranked up your prestige level, the system will calculate any previous experience wasted and will be added to your balance the next time you access the !p or !prestige menu.


    - Changes -

    Fire - Damage to barricades lowered from 20 -> 15

    Hud QOL - Bleed and Perk Buffs will now be displayed separately ( Timed Changes )

    Zombie Lives - Slightly Increased on non-objective maps based on player base.

    *Improvements to this new system will be added over time for current player strength and balance to attempt to further balance all maps ( similar to our Zombie Selection System ).

    Experience Gain - Kills/Deaths in Deathruns/Fun Maps now provide up to 50% more experience globally.

    Prestige Upgrades - Will now correctly show your Upgrade Points and Max Upgrade Level for the respective upgrades.

    Pass Challenges - (bug fix) Will correctly reset dailies if your days have reached 0.

    Boost - You can now buy Zombie Priority. Zombie Win Streak restrictions will remain in place to keep balance fair for all players.

    *Tokens will only be deducted from your balance after you have been successfully selected as a starter zombie.

    Hardcore Maps - Additional balancing has been added to the Zombie Selection system specifically for hardcore maps.


    - Prestige Upgrades -

    Survivor & Zombie

    Max Upgrade Level - 2 -> 1.

    *With the changes and additions to Yin Yang's. This has been further reduced to establish max level upgrade builds as their own


    - Upgrades -


    Cripple/Pushback - Reduced current strength by 25% per level. This now matches endurance strength 1:1 for Movement Resistance.


    - Perks -


    Trapper - Reduced self damage range by 20%

    *NEW Commando - Kills with rifles instantly restores a percentage of your max clip ammo (25% chance on hardcore maps)

    5% / 10% / 15% / 20%


    Enrage - Base Health 0 -> 15

    Stomp - No longer affects/deals damage to doors.

    Blaze & Ignite - Reduced lifetime by 20%. Reduced damage by 20%.

    *Due to the increase in size and huge buff to counter barricades, the duration & player damage has been slightly reduced.

    *NEW Resurrect - Provides a chance to revive at your corpse with 50% reduced health. Chance accumulates until a resurrection occurs.

    +5% / +10% / +15% / +20%


    - Yin Yang's -

    Survivor & Zombie

    Overclock - Upgrade Points Per Level 8 -> 6

    *With the changes made to Upgrade Points, this has been buffed for those who choose not to prestige and those doing upgrade-focused builds.

    *NEW Expert - Allows a single upgrade to exceed Max Level at the expense of Overall Max Level.

    +3 / +6 / +9 / +12 & -1 / -2 / -3 / -4

    *Added as an alternative or combination with Overclock to specialise in a specific upgrade and/or upgrade focused builds.


    Fungrades 2024 - 1.7.0

    Balance changes to Toughness & Explosive Damage, Additional counters to the Trapper perk, along with a 'New Player' Boost.

    - Changes -

    Toughness - Now protects against Fire and Explosive Damage dealt by survivors.

    Fire - Fire now deals 20 damage ( from 1 ) to boards. This is a global change to all fire created from Blaze and all other sources.

    Damage Hud - The damage Hud numbers will now be more accurate ( especially for shotguns! ). Stacked/Accumulated damage will now work between different targets.

    Pass Challenges - Challenge Inception will now always provide daily challenges.

    Curses - Whilst a curse is active, you will now gain 50% of the reward from skill-based experience rewards. On completion, the additional 50% will be given (ultimately now giving more total experience).

    New Player Boost - New players will now receive an experience boost pre level 100 ( Prestige 0 )
    Medic Perks - New Medic Perk 'Biotic' - Provides a 50% chance to also remove any bleeding effects when curing a survivor.
    Cade Ghosting - A continued 'experimental' feature that will allow survivors to pass barricades for the first 45 seconds. Boards will glow Yellow and Red once they reach 10 and 5 seconds left on their individual timer respectively.
    RTD Ray Gun - Now scales with Damage Upgrade.
    FAQ Update - FAQ has been updated with some Triggers & Damage Output information. Example: If a perk has a Damage output of Ranged. This will trigger any other Prestige Upgrades or Perks that has a Trigger of All or Ranged.

    - Upgrades -


    Speed - Stamina reduction increased.


    Endurance - Strength increased by 50% per level

    - Prestige Upgrades -


    Piercing Damage - Now applies to explosive damage dealt.


    Toughness - Now protects against Fire and Explosive Damage dealt by survivors.

    *Historically toughness has only affected ranged & melee damage keeping explosive damage a separate trait. With this change ( as stated above ), the survivor Prestige Upgrade Piercing Damage now also applies to explosive damage.

    - Yin Yang's -



    Inferno - Explosive Resistance Base 10% -> 0%. Per Level Resistance 15% -> 10%. Damage Reduction Base 10% -> 5%.

    Reckless - Base Endurance 10% -> 5%. Per Level Endurance 5% -> 10%.

    - Perks -


    Vantage - Base Strength -2.5% -> 2.5%. Per Level Strength 7.5% -> 2.5%.

    Thorns - Return damage changed to Explosive Damage.

    *Thorns will no longer proc damage based perks. Kill based perks will continue to trigger.

    Trapper - Base Damage 0 -> 20. Self damage slightly increased. Trapper will no longer trigger if the board owner has died and become a zombie.

    Dr Boom - Per Level Damage 20 -> 25.

    *NEW Buck - Shotgun kills increase further shotgun damage for 5 seconds, with a stackable duration of up to 25 Seconds.

    7.5% / 15% / 22.5% / 30%


    Zombie Master - Now provides passive Berserk Regen, increased per Perk Upgrade Level.

    Blaze - Fire Height increased by 100%

    Mutation - Added further visual and chat notifications for mutation procs.

    *NEW Ignite - Dealing damage to players and props has the chance to create a pool of fire ( Blaze ).

    2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10%

    Fungrades 2024 - 1.6.0 - Prestige Buff & Rewards, Perks n Yin Yang's!

    A update focused on Prestige Power & Rewards, along with some fun new Perks and Yin Yang's following the mid 1.5.5 patch.

    - Changes -

    QOL Reset & Prestige Upgrades - You can now specifically reset Prestige Upgrades.

    Joining the round with 'Invalid Stats' will randomly downgrade you.

    Example: If you previously had 2 Perks active, you must either upgrade Max Perks to 2 again, or, Downgrade/Reset your perks before playing.

    Example 2: If you previously had 3 Perks active, but have only re-upgraded Max Perks to 2, 1 Random Perk will be removed when you join the round.

    Joining a round with incorrect prestige upgrades will randomly downgrade/reset that specific Upgrade/Perk/Yin Yang.

    This is and 'Advanced' option for those who want to slightly change their Prestige Upgrades setup, without the need to fully Re-Upgrade, Re-Perk and Re-Yin Yang all of your stats.

    Prestige Rewards - Each Prestige now also awards +1 Max Level

    To compensate the change to the Prestige Upgrade 'Max Level', a small portion of Max Level Power has been shifted into each additional Prestige.

    Although this will not change too much for the majority of players ( specifically those between prestige levels 2-5), this will now open the door for stronger perk builds outside of the need to upgrade Max Level with prestige points.

    Panic Pass - Fixed players below prestige level 2 not being able to use curses.

    Pass no longer provides a new challenge if your daily limit has been reached.

    Minor Melee Damage Fixes - Some upgrades were not fully applying correct values from Perks & Yin Yang's

    Boost - As boost has the potential to break the current balance of the mod with multiple boosts bought within a single round, the cooldown has now been changed to 120 Seconds ( from 30/60s ).

    Having the ability to use boost 20 times in the space of a 10 minute round can be slightly problematic..

    Math - Time to Answer 20s -> 25s

    Bleed - Each bleed stack now reduces life steal effectiveness by 25% per stack ( 100% reduction at max stacks ).

    *Unchanged - Medics will still be unable heal any Survivor with at least 1 stack of bleed until they have been bandaged.

    - Upgrades -

    (Both Teams)

    Speed - Per Level reduced by 15%~

    *This has been reverted back to Fungrades 2022 Speed Values.

    Along with the new changes & other speed perks/yin yang's, this is (once again) causing some slight hitbox issues.

    This is a minor reduction to both teams, and ultimately only reduces total speed by 1-3% depending on your combined upgrades and yin yang's.

    *Zombies still have 20% increased speed per upgrade level over the Survivor upgrade.

    - Prestige Upgrades -

    (Both Teams)

    Max Upgrade Level - Per Level changed from 3 -> 2

    *For those of you doing Upgrade-focused Builds, this has been lowered to make room for the new Prestige Rewards & Overclock Yin Yang.


    Thorns - Per Level 20% -> 25%.

    - Perks -


    *NEW Fortitude - Dealing Damage provides a single stack of resistance ( 1 Stack Ranged - 3 Stacks Melee ).

    Each stack increases your resistance against Bleed, Infection and Damage by 1%.

    Being hit removes a single stack & kills reduce your current stacks by half.

    Per Level increase Max Stacks by 10 / 20 / 30 / 40

    Revitaliser - Raw Heal Changed to 5 -> 5 Per Level. % Heal Changed 5% Per Level -> 2.5% Per Level.

    *This is a buff to weaker melee weapons, making melee builds more viable than just using two handed weapons only ( e.g. Sledgehammer ).

    Pyro - You will now deal ( Perk Level ) damage to targets on fire from any source.


    *NEW Stomp - Berzerking also creates a ground stomp, Inflicting damage to nearby props and instantly triggering any bleeding effects on nearby players.

    Level Upgrades increase Range and Stun Power. +50% / +100% / +150% / +200%

    *When this ability is used, bleed stacks inflicted by other zombies will be temporarily triggered as your own.

    - Yin Yang's -


    *NEW Spike - Increases Thorn damage at the expense of Melee Damage

    *NEW Overclock - Increases Max Level by 2 at the expense of 8 Upgrade Points

    Scout - Base Speed 2% -> 1%. Base Damage Reduction 5% -> 2.5%

    Bulwark - Base Speed De-Buff -2% -> -1%.


    *NEW Helm - Increases Headshot Toughness at the expense of Overall Toughness

    *NEW Overclock - Increases Max Level by 2 at the expense of 8 Upgrade Points

    Inferno - Base Explosive Resistance Changed to 0% -> 10%. Fixed: Now correctly deducts explosive damage.

    Hunter - Base Speed 0% -> 1%. Per Level Speed 2% -> 1.5%

    Wound - Base Chance De-Buff -0% -> -2.5%. Per Level Chance De-Buff -5% -> -2.5%

    Fungrades 2024 - 1.5.5 - Minor Post 1.5 Release Changes

    *The Majority of these changes have already been added this week.

    - Changes -

    Bleed - Bleed now deals 4 base damage for both teams.

    Each stack provides 4 additional damage. 1 Stack = 8 Damage, 2 Stacks = 12 Damage.

    Upgrades affect stack damage only. ( The 4 Base damage cannot be increased )

    Survivor Bleed 'Tick' Time changed to 10 -> 12 Seconds.
    Zombie Bleed 'Tick' Time changed to 2 -> 3 Seconds.

    Bots ! - Bots have finally learned how to use rpg ! Bots now have Level 20 Bleed & Toughness and Level 10 Infection.

    Math - Math questions have been changed to Hud Text. They will still appear in chat for those with the Pass Challenge (and will appear much sooner).

    Dependant on the player base, multiple people can now answer the math questions, runners up will gain half the previous experience reward.

    For token rewards, all players will receive a token.

    You will also no longer be randomly slayed if you were second to answer ( this was a bug ).

    Panic Pass - You will no longer need to spend any tokens on any challenges. ( Keeping in line with the Anti-EA statement ).
    The Curse Challenge has been made free whilst active, Double EXP Challenge can now be re-rolled for free in the Coin Shop ( !pass )

    Although you would gain enough tokens to complete them at later levels, the early levels proved difficult to complete if you started with very little tokens.

    - Fixes -
    Now provides the correct amount of ammo for low clip guns ( e.g Winchester )

    - Prestige Upgrades -

    Bleed Damage - Changed to 25% per level ( in simple terms, +1 damage per stack )

    - Perks -


    Thor - Base Damage 0% -> 10%. Per Level 10% -> 5%

    Lightning Fist - Base Change 0% -> 10%. Per Level 10% -> 5%. Stun Duration 1s -> 0.5s.

    Fungrades 2024 - 1.5.0 - The Panic Pass

    - Changes -

    Presets - Preset swapping has been reduced to 2 mins from 3.

    Achievements - New achievements have been added.

    Prestige - You no longer lose current Experience after a prestige.

    Math Questions - Math questions will be seen more frequently.

    Players on the new Math Pass Challenge will see questions 1 second sooner.

    Jouxbox - !pass has been changed to !skip.

    - Fixes -
    Level 4 ammo consumption.

    Lobby players sometimes spawning in as a survivor/zombie.

    Re-joining abuse

    !preset - Will now load on first command use.

    - Perks -


    Haemorrhage - Base Damage 0% -> 5%. (e.g. 1 Stack = 2.5% -> 7.5% / 2 Stacks = 5% -> 10%)

    Pyro - Minimum Burn Time 1s -> 2s. Pyro now spreads to nearby zombies in a small range around your target.

    Trapper - Trapper no longer provides additional barricade ammo regen.

    Dr Boom - Range increased by 20%

    Electric Cherry - Range increased by 20%

    *NEW Lightning Fist - Fists have the chance of electrifying your target and nearby zombies.

    Stunning and dealing additional Ranged Damage ( Activating any other ranged perks )

    Damage = Double Upgrade Level

    Example: Level 20 damage will deal 40 raw additional damage to your target and nearby zombies.


    Bloodhound - Base Damage 0% -> 5%. (e.g. 1 Stack = 2.5% -> 7.5% / 2 Stacks = 5% -> 10%)

    Enrage - Enrage now activates when taking damage. Whitey can still activate this manually when Roaring.

    Blaze - Increased damage by 25%

    Vampire - Base life restoration increased to 0% -> 10%

    *NEW Smoke - Creates a smoke bomb on death reducing vision, Damage and Movement Speed.

    - Yin Yang's -


    *NEW Bludgeon - Increases Melee Bleed Chance and the expense of Ranged Bleed Chance


    *NEW Shell - Increases Toughness when taking damage from Behind at the expense of reducing Toughness from the Front.

    The Soldiers of Demise Panic Pass - Season 1 has arrived!

    Much like a classic battle pass, completing pass challenges will provide brand new and unique in-game rewards.

    How it works

    Once Activated ( !pass ), you will have the chance to complete 2 Challenges per day.

    Completing a challenge will reward you with a Level Based Reward ( See Table Below ).

    For every 10 levels obtained, you will also gain new Unique Permanent Rewards.

    As an additional Cosmetic Bonus, If you manage to reach level 100 within 45 days, you will also unlock the Panic Pass Skin ( VIP Only ).

    *Level 100 can be reached in any amount of Time / Days over 45, The 45 Day Limit is for the Skin Only.*

    If you did not complete a challenge on the previous day, they are reset and randomized everyday automatically.

    There are a total of 10 different Challenges which will be randomly assigned each time you complete one.

    For those of you who love to speed run challenges, a Pass Plus option has been added that will allow you to complete an additional challenge each day.

    *Anti-EA Games: All levels and unique rewards can be obtained without spending any previous in-game currency. As stated above, the pass plus option has been initially added for speed running purposes.


    There are no costs to activate the Panic Pass.

    Once activated you will have 45 days to obtain the unique skin, all other rewards have no time limit.

    Once you reach level 10, the rewards will reset back to level 1 ( e.g. Level 11 = level 1 )

    *There are total of 11 Unique Permanent Rewards, Level 100 provides 2. Level 10 Rewards will be kept hidden until discovered in-game!

    Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
    Experience * Random Item Experience * Tokens * Panic Pass Coins
    Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
    Premium Points * Experience * VIP Days Experience * Unique Permanent Reward

    * The Pass Plus Option also provides 10% Additional Rewards to Experience, Tokens and Premium Points per level.

    Medic 4.0 & Fungrades 2024 - 1.3.5

    This week Medic has received a QOL Update with new selective medic traits/perks, along with medic statistics ( fresh, starting from today ).

    Fungrades will also be releasing with a mid version update patch.

    Medic 4.0

    As a medic, you will now have the upgrade option to choose the medic perk you wish to use, there are currently 5 perks available.

    Shaman - Your passive healing also provides a 5% chance to Cure & Bandage survivors.

    Mender - Curing and Bandaging other survivors provides you both with additional health.

    Doctor - You will no longer lose a charge when you fail to cure a survivor.

    Priest - Cures & Bandages provide 50 healing charge.

    Warlock - When out of charges, you can sacrifice 33% of your maximum health to cure or bandage other survivors.

    Base Charges changed to 1.

    Increased base recharge rate from 100 -> 120 seconds. Increased per level from 7 -> 8 Seconds.

    Experience rates have slightly been increased & Medic Statistics have arrived! !medic <name>

    Fungrades 2024 - 1.3.5

    - Changes -

    Zombie Selector / Late Joiners / Zombie Spammers - Additional changes to prevent the abuse of team selection has been added.

    The Point Reduction is now more forgiving to those who do not abuse the selection system and now scales fairly for those abusing the system to those who are not.

    Presets can now be swapped ( once ) mid round as a zombie. They can also be preselected as a survivor for the next round.

    Any benefits the previous preset provided will be lost ( eg Gravedigger ).

    Team Win Bonuses & Curses - You will now gain experience rate bonuses depending on the current win rate of the map.

    Example: Low Survivor Win Rate = More Experience for Survivor wins.

    Achievements - 8 new achievements have been added ( Curses ).

    - Improvements -
    Crash/Restore system
    - Will now return any starting player bonuses and attempt to respawn you on the correct team.

    - Perks -


    Engineer - Base slow ( 20% ) now increased by Pushback/Cripple Strength.

    Dr Boom - Dr Boom Damage now increased by Upgraded Damage % ( Ranged ).

    Trapper - Base damage 50 -> 0. Trapper Damage now increased by Upgraded Damage % ( Ranged ).

    - Yin Yangs -


    *NEW Fitness - Increases Stamina Regen and the expense of Speed.


    *NEW Inferno - Increases Explosive Damage & Resistance at the expense of Damage.