Posts by Joux

    Keys & Crates

    Over Christmas i designed a key and crate system which i initially made use for the 2017 Xmas Game Giveaway.

    The original plan for this system was to turn SoD into EA Games give everyone the chance to win different and unique rewards in-game and also Monthly Game giveaways. Some of you will have already noticed i have added the drop system already in game ( as of late evening yesterday ) for EU3, which will also be added to EU1 & 2. For the time you play in the server, you will be rewarded with a random drop, which will be either contain key or one of two ( soon to be three ) crates, everyone will receive these drops.

    The Skin crate currently consists of 2 rare/unique skins that can only be obtained through the VIP Web Interface System, more will be added over time for skins that can be bought in game, for a chance to win them instead. This is a work-in-progress and will not be available just yet ( hopefully within the week ).
    The second crate is the VIP Crate, in which you can win more Keys, Crates, Premium Points, VIP Days and Tokens. Tokens will also have a use again ( as my poor jouxbox is disabled in 3.0 currently ;< ) to be used to buy keys & crates in-game. ( Tokens obtained from donating will also be added as well ).

    The last crate in which i will be adding eventually will be the Game Crate, but i will explain more on this one at a later stage.

    Therefore while i work on the Web Interface, go get collecting your Keys & Crates ;) !

    Drinage was actually removed over the weekend, i've yet to update maplist. I have not seen the cabin map kill the server, infact the last few times i've seen it played, it fills it.

    Plus, it is irrelevant that we have a 24/7 cabin server, eu3 specifically is an upgrade server, people who enjoy cabin & upgrades should not need to choose.

    I do like the deathrun maps and fun maps a lot, but i also know from a lot of experience when playing them, it kills the server. i can never remember it filling the old servers or being beneficial. we hosted a deathrun server a few years back for those that remember it, with its own deathrun mod. it even ranked how many deathruns you completed with the time taken, and its own leader board, and leader for each map thinking that would draw people in to play them, but again, it did not workout well ( i cannot remember fully, but i think there was another death-run server at the time which may have had some bearing on it ). Although we do have some other plans for EU4 which may or may not happen as of yet, if enough people want a deathrun server, it can easily be added.

    The only way i would add them to the current servers, and again, it would need a lot of agreement from the community, is to add them but make them only playable (rtv/nominate) with a few players / low server population.

    Quick update on Trails and Carrier Skins!

    All of the trails have been updated and should appear more bold in game, with a big change to the rainbow trail. I have now made it randomly merge into other colours, rather than a different colour each frame(ish). I will be adding some more in the next few days and also a unique one to the VIP System ( as it has been waiting for people since the xmas event ) so keep an eye of for them shortly.

    The second update is for the Carrier skins, now i know they are not used as much as the Human skins so i have made a big addition to the system. VIPs will now have a returning feature of VIP Whitey. Which means, if you play the round as a starting zombie, you will always have your Carrier skin active. This again should hopefully make use of owning one of the carrier skins in game.

    Removed : zpo_zelda_sod_v1
    Added : zpo_zelda_sod_v2 -- Map now kills survivors if they did not reach the final room + survivors are given 60 seconds to reach the final room ( from 30 seconds )
    Added : zpo_mortal_complex_sod_v1

    Current Map list for EU1 & EU3
    Newest maps will appear @ the top of the list !


    Time for an BIG update!

    Firstly, Trails!, Although most of you know by now, a few trails have appeared in the server. I am planning to add further trails, and slightly improve the current ones. ( i want to make them a little more bolder ) I do plan to add different types and some more unique ones like the current rainbow one added. Currently there are 4 to choose from. Red, Green, Blue and the multicoloured rainbow trail. like VIP Skins previously used to work, they do require Active VIP days to work.

    Secondly, and the biggest part of the news is that we have our Custom Player Models back! Kreygasm
    Thanks to a massive help from N7Legion, we are once again able to have custom skins active in the server. And i can not thank him enough! He has kindly ported some awesome skins into ZPS, and they honestly look fantastic.
    As none of the previous skins work with the new ZPS 3.0, brand new models are going to slowly appear in the server over the next couple of weeks. I also have plans for a specific skin which was previously in our old mods for the veterans of JX Mod which will be a locked unique skin for top JX MOD Players ;) Depending on the amount of skins we do manage to port across, there will be several other ways to gain unique skins, which i also plan to do with some upcoming trails.

    Currently we have the following skins!
    Ezio from Assassins Creed >< Max from Life Is Strange >< Genji from Overwatch >< Master Chief from Halo >< Garrus from Mass Effect >< M.A.R.S from Blacklight



    I will be personally adding new skins every week or two, and will be keeping the skin list up to date as much as i can!

    ZPS Upgrades - Reloaded 3.0

    After a looooooooong wait, we have finally created an upgrade system for the new ZPS 3.0 version!

    As most of you know ( as i have mentioned it enough times already ) ZPS 3.0 had little to no support for custom content. Basic functions to read data was a challenge, even through the new angel script support which ZPS 3.0 included. However, the recent patch 3.0.7 finally allowed us to use sourcemod in all its glory. Speaking in basic terms, the update allowed us to access the core functions within the game, such as changing health/max health , speed, damage, infection rates per player and so on. With this change, we will also be converting many of our previous mods to work with our servers such as the VIP System, and will also allow us to finally continue work on other systems an additions to our servers.

    Although we had plans for our other system to go live ( The point system mod / Fungrades 2.0 ), we have made the decision to fully rework and publish Sammys Classic upgrade system to our server list. XeroX has completely recreated the mod from a decompiled version of the mod we used back in 08/09, i think it broke a few versions before 2.4. But was the sole reason i learnt sourcemod to create fungrades a few months later ;)


    But, cutting my introduction short, i am pleased to announce our newest upgrade system ZPSUpgrades - Reloaded.

    ZPSUpgrades Reloaded has 7 core upgrades.
    Speed, Damage, Health, Infections & Pushback affect Both teams. Armour & Ammo Regen = Human Only.
    Points are earned from a Team Effort only.

    The upgrades are as follows and all have no level cap, they just get very expensive;

    Ammo Regen

    This upgrade system was made as close as possible to the original mod, which means, it is very unbalanced. What does this mean? well, Upgrading will be VERY rewarding compared the changes made within JXMOD and some other previous systems that our community has gone through. Using JXMOD As an example, upgrading previously became less effective per upgrade. But regardless of suggestions made to me this time, upgrades will upgrade equally per upgrade and untouched.

    Once live, the Mod will be hosted on a 3rd server ( You guessed it, EU3 ) and will not run the stats system.


    As nobody was informed of the reduced support for ZPS Dedicated servers pre-update ( which is currently only Ubuntu and Debian ) i have decided ordered a new Dedicated Box to achieve this, as we currently run on CentOS.

    The current server we use runs on a small VPS i quickly ordered to get a server up and running for us. The IP for the Vanilla ZPS Server will be changing tomorrow ( at some point ) to

    This will also be the case for the Minecraft servers running ( Ports will remain the same ).

    Although there should be no downtime for the website once the DNS Updates, any posts made tomorrow may be lost in the transition.

    Key & Crate Update 3 !

    As some of you may have noticed, the boxes have been disabled until the 23rd. ( As most mid-range games had been won. )

    From this date, all games will be unlocked and available to win. So until then, make sure you stock up on your keys & crates!

    All games won ( including those that have already been won ) will be given out once this years event has ended !

    Key & Crate Update 2 !

    The Xmas Key & Crate system will be available from 19:00 ( 7:00 PM GMT+0 ) this evening, and will be Initially open for Members Only. It will then be opened up for all @ 21:00 ( 9:00 PM GMT+0 ).

    This will open all BLUE Games listed which includes;

    - Torchlight II -

    - Rocket League -

    - Goat Simulator -

    - Shadow Of Mordor -

    - Guantlet -

    - Human Fall Flat -

    - Rust -

    - Rise of the Tomb Raider -

    PURPLE Games will be unlocked nearer to Christmas, which i will once again announce. ( As i plan to add more games through the steam sales )

    But in the meantime, if you would like any of the games listed above, get your keys and crates ready for a chance to win some Coal! Games!