Posts by Joux

    Feature Update 1.2

    AFK Manager - System now has an additional feature which will punish
    those who decide to afk once becoming a zombie. The inner workings of
    the mod will be kept a secret to prevent any possible abuse to avoid
    detection. However, if a user is afk for longer than roughly 30 seconds,
    the system will take action.

    This was pretty much the first & second upgrade script we had, before the RPG / Fungrades systems. It was first used in 2008-2009, then again 2009-2010 ( which the stats are from above ).

    Welcome back kwart, I thought i would take a look, and i can see your old stats on sammys old zpsupgrade script.. back in 2009/10, a very old player indeed ;)

    Changes - JX MOD 1.3.0 - 03/07/2016

    - New Point System.
    -- Solo Points : Earned from Damage and Kills.
    -- Team Points : Earned by working with team mates, dealing damage, collecting kills, and saving team mates.
    -- Bonus Points : Earned from Math Events, RTD, Sprees, Achievements etc..
    -- Saviour Points : Earned from Saving Team Mates.

    - Saviour : New Feature, Helping team mates by killing zombies attacking fellow survivors, now grants additional points.

    - New Achievement : Guardian Angel.

    The idea behind the new point system is to force teamplay. Solo points grant the core basic points ( also the lowest point gain ). Team points are generated based on assisting team mates with kills and damage done to zombies, Points are calculated based on the situation and will now be the best way to gain points ( working together and protecting team mates ). Solo and Team Points are currently the only two variables that are affected by VIP & Member Bonuses.

    + Thanks to Mike and Zac for testing ;)

    I should have done an event for this, similar to the World Cup one. Therefor will distribute the rewards ;) starting from €10 down to €1 for 1st - 3rd place.

    And for my accurate and hopeful prediction;

    Winner : Italy
    2nd : Croatia
    3rd & 4th : Germany & France

    It would seem stats ( specifically accuracy stats ) which stored shots fired, hits and kills were not saving the shots fired. This meant people were becoming accuracy gods for free. The problem has been corrected and a backup has been restored from a few months back. There would have been no way to genuinely correct the current stats therefor using a backup from a time in which the script worked correctly was required. This issue does not affect anything regarding the rest of the mod ( upgrades , achievements etc ) just a few months worth of weapon stats.

    As it was requested recently, the JTV Mod ( RTV + Map Plugin ) has been updated which, on a server crash, will once again load the last map played before the crash. If a next map has been decided, or the server crashes on a map change, it will also load that map instead. As much as we love biotec, i think sticking to the map rotation and voted maps are preferred in general.

    As you may have already noticed, Alyx & Barney have been disabled, i have no eta of a fix yet, but for the time being, they are disabled ( due to invisible bugs ). Also the Zombie Leaver system has also been temporarily disabled ( Mainly due to crashes which i believe is linked to this mod ).

    Our Server info

    Map Size: 4k ( Previously 3.5k )
    244568 ( Random )
    Player Slots: 200
    ( Previously 150 )
    Map Link :

    Rust Update Details

    > Idle players are kicked after 30 minutes.
    > Syringes stack twice ( buff ), bandages stack to 3.
    > Grenades are now thrown faster.
    > Female Models added.
    > More textures have been added to monuments.
    > Changes to armour ( mainly a metal facemask nerf ).
    > Procedural map updates ( maps now look even better! ).
    > Full Map / BP Wipe.
    > Rockets fixed.

    Server specific updates and information can be found @

    Game Giveaway Four - RUST

    As promised, i will be doing a bunch of game giveaways to Members Only over the next couple of days, with another copy of RUST!

    Very simple, to participate, you must write ' Kappa ' as a reply.

    Draw will be held this time tomorrow, along with the next game on my giveaway list!

    BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail

    If you win this game but you already have it a new winner will be drawn

    And The Winner Is - Lion!…col.aspx?Key=299822x80048

    Game Giveaway Three - 7 Days To Die

    As promised, i will be doing a bunch of game giveaways to Members Only over the next couple of days, Now running with 7 Days To Die

    Very simple, to participate, you must write 'Lex Is A Boon' as a reply.

    Draw will be held this time tomorrow, along with the next game on my giveaway list!

    BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail

    If you win this game but you already have it a new winner will be drawn

    And The Winner Is - Laughtilldie !…col.aspx?Key=299820x11801

    Game Giveaway Two - RUST

    As promised, i will be doing a bunch of game giveaways to Members Only over the next couple of days, following up on Garry's Mod with RUST!

    Very simple, to participate, you must write 'KABOOM' as a reply.

    Draw will be held this time tomorrow, along with the next game on my giveaway list!

    BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail

    If you win this game but you already have it a new winner will be drawn

    And the winner is - Sasuke !…col.aspx?Key=299394x26495

    Game Giveaway One - Garry's Mod

    As promised, i will be doing a bunch of game giveaways to Members Only over the next couple of days, starting with Garry's mod!

    Very simple, to participate, you must write 'Joux is Awesome!' as a reply.

    Draw will be held this time tomorrow, along with the next game on my giveaway list!

    BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail

    If you win this game but you already have it a new winner will be drawn

    And The Winner Is - Laurens !…tocol.aspx?Key=299056x352

    Dedicated Server
    Due to the increased crashes recently, and server performance problems I have had, I have switched back to my previous dedicated server host. The data loss we had was also down to the performance issue / crashing of the virtual servers that I run for each part of our community. The move has already been done, and hopefully you all have noticed better forum performance and hopefully more stable zps servers over the past week.

    Garry's Mod
    Now that we have the hardware performance back, we are looking into hosting stable GMOD Servers, which xerox is currently configuring and testing. I hope to get these up and running within a couple of weeks and will post an announcement once running. We will more than likely start with a TTT Server to begin with, as from previously playing the game mode; I know it is rather fun regardless of the numbers playing. I also think having our own prop hunt server would be good fun too, but will decide after the TTT server is running smoothly.

    Mike is now currently correcting and setting up the 7days2die server once more now that we have the performance back, and i am sure he will get it running in a stable condition in the next couple of days. In the meantime, go nag him until it is working :thumbup:

    Killing Floor 2
    I will also be putting the killing floor servers back up permanently this week with their new ip addresses and hopefully we can get a community session one day in the near future. They were also offline due to the performance issues.

    And finally, with the idea of always expanding our community into other games, I am finally announcing our new dedicated RUST server. I have run a rust server in the past, but unfortunately the player base never took off. However, over the last couple of weeks, I have (with help from a couple of friends) started up a successful rust server. As the player base in rust is rather huge, like gmod, it would be a good game to add to our game list. The rust server has been maxed out with a staggering 150 players over the entire bank holiday weekend, with 50 players + in non-peak times. I will be posting full information about the server in the new RUST forum on our site soon.
    Server Information >
    Current Server Map > Map_3500_115672123#[EU%2FUK] The Rust Men |26%2F03|Vanilla|ACTIVE ADMINS|NO LAG| (

    Now for anyone who would like to play one of the games above, that do not currently have the game, do not worry, i will be doing a bunch of giveaways this week :thumbup:

    Thought i would give a small history lesson into our community for those who would like to know when and how it started, linking to our latest ZPS News.

    We have always been known as the community with upgrades, all the way back to 2007! It all started with Sammy’s 2007 upgrade script, which I played 24/7 (sleep was not an option) along with the game Zombie Master (Which upgrades & points linked between the two games). This lasted almost a good couple of years until the servers went down for just over half a year.

    In the fall of 2008 however, it was relaunched with a new script, zps-upgrades (which i actually still have along with its stats) this lasted for about 2 years, and within this time, RPGMOD was also created by Sammy and Portalcake. zps-upgrades also had a point reset mid-way (it became very unbalanced fast) and I had no knowledge of scripting at that point to play around with it too much. With ZPS updating a fair amount back then and Sammy giving myself control of the servers, things started to break due to the ZPS Updates and incompatible upgrades.

    My first script was to fix the HP of zombies, as spawning in the ground with 0 HP was starting to become a huge problem. Unfortunately this did partly break the HP upgrade ( as i did not have the sourcecode to fix correctly ), alongside the pushback. In the end, as most of the upgrades where either broken or temperamental, I decided it was time to learn sorucemod and make my own working upgrade system (Hello Fungrades!) with a small rtd plugin (and teletubbies skins for VIPs, of course!). It was a huge learning curve by which I learned a lot and for those who played since release knows a lot was added over the 3 years Fungrades ran for. Within this time, I also remade the RPGMOD, Sammys original needed an exp reset ( lack of players and balancing problems ) and I thought, let’s do a brand new one, adding a few more events and round achievements and to link the current PP system into both mods.

    There have been many scripts made since then, old ones being Kings Mod (Which is similar to what we have now built properly) where you defend the king, if he dies, you all die. Humans respawn just like zombies. It was a fun mod, but not viable for the public. All the way to the wonderful Kill The Boon, where you.. kill boons ?.

    However, it is now time for another public release of a brand new mod, which is completely different to anything I have previously crafted. But do not worry; JXMOD is not going anywhere… yet.

    The idea was to create something brand new that was far more balanced and fun than any upgrade system can be for both new players and long term players. Upgrade systems are fun, but long term systems without a reset can be hard for new players to keep up and enjoy, and long term players generally do not want resets. This specifically has always been a hard issue to resolve, but I believe this mod will resolve the majority of balancing issues we currently suffer from. The mod is in a state of how all games are now released, in “Alpha”, with the DLC on its way ( hue) … and would like to schedule a test run this or next weekend.

    But without any further introduction, I am announcing our latest creation Class-Mod. For the last couple of months, both Xerox and myself have been working on the mod which now includes 10 Human Classes and 7 Zombie classes, all scripted in and briefly tested working (alpha ftw). Each class has its own special ability and upgrades for their class, an example for one is the doctor, we have redesigned the medic from fungrades/jxmod which now places a medpack on the floor that automatically regenerates health to nearby players. We also have a class for those who like to blow ‘stuff’ up for the human team called the DemoMan, who specifically can regenerate Grenades and IED’s. A few examples from the zombie team includes Brute, who has the most health from any other class, and who also has an 'ability' to create a temporary barrier that reduces damage taken for a few seconds. And Dread; the class that can slow humans down in a radius. And don’t worry; we have also included a stealth class which I think a lot of people will have fun with too.

    For clarification and better understand of what this mod does, each class will have its own stats, upgrades and abilities, which means, you can no longer have 5000 HP with 1000 damage and move at the speed of sound, from a single class. We have also introduced a new command / bind to use with most of the classes which is where this mod makes them different to any other mod i have done before, which will add so much more variety & style along with tactical of game-play to all game-modes and maps with each different class. The mod is being designed to try and force team-play, mixing human classes for the best survival, or to bring a quick and painful death upon the living.

    I will either schedule a test this weekend if enough people can make it, or the following. The test will be done to find any bugs that may occur with the script and the classes directly, we have kept the vip system and skins currently separate to identity bugs easier in this current script.