TGS darkelol123 pretraket^^ Vox aka Gaemboy69 Zach are moved into Inactive Members.
Posts by Lion
Gokujuju has returned to us as a Member, welcome!
Fox McCloud has been removed from Membership due not being suitable as a Member.
73: Teamwork - Obtain 250 Kill Assists
74: Support Specialist - Obtain 1000 Kill Assists
75: Force of Nature - Build the TriForce!
76: WinForce - Win a round with the TriForce!
77: The Wisp Whisperer - Give 10 Tokens to a Wisp
78: The Ocarina Of Time - Play the Ocarina Of Time
79: Pokemon Master - Throw 10 Pokeballs
81: Keyboard God - Kill 50 zombies with a keyboard
82: Tons of Damage - Deal 10000 damage in a single round
91: I Love Coins - Spend 10 Panic Pass Coins
92: Pass Grinder - Reach level 50 on the Panic Pass
93: Pass God - Reach level 100 on the Panic Pass
Forgot to log it but doesn't matter now. Miner is removed from Membership for not sticking to our values.
Congratulations, ArrowKeysWarrior has joined us as Member!
Being a reliable and responsible Server Admin, xXToxic_PeanutXx has been promoted to Senior Admin!
Congratulations, Mike Hunt and Daniels have been promoted to Server Admin!
Due to inactivity Foralax, Helghast and relidan have been put into Inactive Members.
Our big appreciation goes out to Cody and Sasuke Uchiha for their contribution to our community and therefore are now retiring as Honorable Members!
Another fox, Scottish Fox has joined our community as a Member, congratulations!
Congratulations, Fox McCloud has joined our community as a Member!
Congratulations, Ronsku(Fin) has been reinstated back to the community as a Member!
But wait there is more... DJOpiom is coming back into our admin team starting out as a Server Admin, congratulations!
DJOpiom has returned as a Member, welcome!
I honestly would want the upgrades to be less impactful. or have a curve where early upgrades give more of an edge than like lvl 30. in that way newcomers can get into it easily but people who play 4 hours a day wont roflstomp purely because they have more points.
Or balance the zombie/player count also based on the levels. so make sure that the average level is same on survivor and zombie side. because now if like 3 high level players join zombies at the start. the game has basically ended. especially on objective maps
Zombie teams should actually already choose higher ranked player(s) together with lower ranked so it doesn't end up pros vs noobs and from what I have seen it does work out pretty much (zombies win most of the time too). Regarding upgrades, higher ranked players already get cut a lot of their power by prestiging. Mike for example has passed 200 million points and still isn't able to max all upgrades. Keep in mind that this mod is over a year old so it's hard to find balance between helping newbies and making your playtime for existing playerbase meaningful. You don't wanna grind millions to tens of millions points without it paying off somehow. Good thing more perks are implanted over time with unique upgrades unrelated gimmicks.
We'll see how long this mod will hold until the lifespan hits the end. There are still gonna be updates coming in for perks and more. Second server with the same mod could be handy at happy hours so people don't have to line up to join (but won't happen looks like). Second server with different mod would probably split the player base to the new mod so they can become the new Mike there. The most likely outcome will be a new mod once the current one has dried out but the player base still wants to play a new mod (that is if Joux & Xerox are still up for more).
I think a new mod would be good or a big improvement on fungrades.
However whatever happens. .It should NOT be possible that someone is so ridiculously fast that a survivor is outrunning all zombies. its unbalanced, takes the fun out of the game and ruins the core mechanics of zps
All other upgrades are kind of possible to be played around even though at max level they still feel unfair on the wrong map.
What would your wishes be for a new mod? So we don't end up in the same talk in a year. Keep in mind that the people who are capable of outrunning zombies or other unbalanced things have spend over a year playing almost daily for multiple hours. Obviously this will result in a power creep eventually. Not saying that it's fair, that's just what comes with a progressive system.
Joux has added the double points for unplayed maps and starting weapons and doubled points for p0 and p1!
Currently once all the good maps are played everyone leaves as they are all on cool down and the change to the daily system to per round means there is no incentive for regulars to stick through it anymore, there is also the recent chilling effect on speech that seems to have reduced the amount of players as edgy chat would make even the most boring maps somewhat enjoyable. For new players they could spawn with a main weapon (rifle/mossberg) until they prestige. Also a lot of maps could be made playable by giving survivors decent starting load outs, like on harvest, where otherwise they all die within first few minutes.
We might have to sort out some unplayed maps and reduce the cooldown accordingly. Starting weapons for newbies could be really helpful and would probably have a more direct impact than long term newbie bonus points.