The following people are the people I have encountered on the SoD server of ZP!S. I often call them different names for fun and joke. None of them take those names as offence, maybe most of them don't.
»SoD« XeroX - Cannot mock a highest level admin - Reason: I don't know.
»SoD« Cody - COD (Call of Duty) or Cunty if aggreviated - Reason: His name.
»SoD« Bluescreen - Black screen - Reason: Black screen exists too, no?
»SoD« Psycho Punk - Unable to find something to mock - Reason: Rarely seen.
»SoD« Sasuke Uchiha - Chinese - Reason: Name...
»SoD« Toxic_Peanut - Peenut or none at all. - He is average guy! - Reason: I got bribed by him. He is in fact noob as well.
»SoD« Leo - Cunt - Reason: Oh, don't mind him, he's good fellnoob guy. He's cool.
»SoD« Mr.Telephone - Phone / Telephone - Reason: I bashed the phone.
»SoD« Spiderman - Spoderman - Reason: Meme.
»SoD« Chuck Norris - Chuck Late (Fun Fact: Noris means Early in Greek language) - Reason: Fan of Chuck Norris.
»SoD« Mr. Green - Little Green - Reason: Calling me little Killer.
»SoD« SweetZem - SaltyZem - Reason: Deserved it.
»SoD« Foralax - Faralax // Noob - Reason: Often claims he is the best player yet he often fails to do simplest stuff, including jumping on other sides at deathrun maps.
Ronsku(Fin) - Fag - Reason: IDK!