Posts by Z-zachary

    Meele damage? Not to be rude or anything, but i think it is unnecessary to increase it, due to the fact that if you are good with meele, you do not need extra damage.
    It is op enough as it is with or without upgrades. It pretty much just makes the ones with the highest upgrade level even more op and un-killable.

    Me? well i am a lvl 25 Zerker *cough exp map cough*
    Nah but, don't let my level fool you, i can play somewhat good i guess :p
    I main Zerk, 2nd gunslinger and 3rd Firebug (only zerk and gunslinger are somewhat high levels)

    Idk tho, give me a headsup when it's about to start and maybe if i am not busy with either making my way home or homework. I may then join :D

    I have never played Terraria, man i don't even know what it looks like (proceeds to go to google as i am writing this).
    So i do not have any comments on it really.

    Minecraft on the other hand, is something i have enjoyed since early times, and is actually one of my favorite voxel games (out of the few good ones to pick from), but also one of my favorite games in general. Sure people say the game is for kids, and yeah it is. But the way you can create things in it is has always drawn my attention in.
    Not to mention the insane mods, commands, servers and minigames there are in minecraft. And combining these mods and commands into giant mod-packs's almost as a new game sometimes.

    But yeah, both games are good to enjoy with friends, at least i got that part ;>

    Don't get me wrong Mono, I really appreciate what Joux and Xerox has been doing for the servers! Heck they will probably keep on doing it i hope =)
    These two guys deserve all the respect they can get! And they sure have mine.

    But about supporting them, doing it through donations or actually playing on the servers is not what i will do (at least not for now). And it is cause of the exact reason you stated Mono, i simply do not enjoy playing zps anymore, or any game in overall for that matter. But i will always, and i mean always, help out with testing and so on! But not more than that i am afraid.

    Now, i see where you are getting at with the whole school stuff, and yeah. I agree that school does not take up that much time in most of the cases.
    In my case, i start my first lesson at 8:00 every morning and i usually end around 16:00 or 17:00. Then it's either a 40/60 min trip home with Bus, and if i stop by the gym i can be home as late as 19:00. And the one or two hours i have left of spare time at home goes to school homework, eating, shores, fixing myself up for tomorrow and so on till 20/21:00. I really don't have much time for playing, and combined with the fact that i don't even feel like playing kind of tells itself.

    Zps is one of the best games i've ever played and it does deserve all the love and support it can get, but i really don't want to do something that I don't enjoy doing.

    Well, indeed lag is a real pain in the ass. And for you it is even worse with that massive ping.
    Being forced to play with it just ruins the fun even more.

    And since you have school, putting time into a game you can´t even play.... njae. Better focus on school.

    We have enjoyed your company and will always remember it! ;>
    Hope that we will manage to see you around in the future ^

    And goodluck with yer study! :thumbup:

    One thing i noticed tho, is that you get the same amount of points for both humans and zombies. So technically, it might not feel like you are getting much points. But when you think about it, before you used to get less points for zombies than it was actually displaying.
    So for me, it feels like i am actually getting more zombie points than normal.

    But from my own personal view. I don't really get less points than before. But maybe that is because i suck massive bollocks in every aspect of the game?
    But i have always been getting around 1-3k per round. And that has not changed after this update :p

    I am not an admin, but i hope you don't mind if i give my opinion on this matter feng ;)

    If a player decides to do something that he knows can result in a team-member dying. Then yes, if it comes to that a team-member dies, then this individual will have to face the consequences.
    But the punishment does not always have to be a slay for example. I think that in this case, Chuck did something that could result in teamkilling. But i believe that his intention with it was not in fact to kill you Feng.
    So in this case, the action was not an accident, the accident was that you died cause of it. Simple as that. And i think that in this case it is enough that this person get a light warning or just apologize to the person who died.

    But if a person were to do this every round and wait till a human were in position so that he/she would die, then yes a real punishment WILL be handed out. Since this is a form of griefing.

    Now to what Chuck said. Yes i agree, teamkilling is not the best thing to do. But it can indeed be a "fun" thing to do sometimes (depending on situation of course).
    But it is up to each player to judge by themselves (ESPECIALLY MEMBERS) if they are planning to teamkill. "Is this a good time to perform such thing? Is it a 'good' map to do so? How will the results be? How much will this player have to suffer? Am i willing to face any punishment that may be?" and so on.

    Example: I CHOOSE to squeeze a human to death in Uberpush with a prop in the start of a round. Results: Noting big really since the rounds are really short and does not really matter what side you are on always.
    In this case, if the human who got killed really got mad then i think that i should be warned + apologize and NOT do it again to anyone. If i would then yes i would have to be slayed or even kicked.
    Example nr2: I CHOOSE to teamkill a player on church through some manner in the start of a round. Results: This player will most likely be really really pissed (even to the point were he/she would rage quit).
    Here, it is not that hard to think out the consequences. Just accept it.

    But to answer your question Feng.
    If a player accidentally kills another player ONE time then this person should NOT be slayed, only warned (if even that is necessary).
    If it happens often tho, then yes, and admin will have to take action.

    If a player kills another one with the intention to do it, then there is no question about it. It is up to the admin to choose a suitable punishment.