Posts by Lexvhw

    Oh for god sake they're making another one? God damn money grabbers

    Considering horror movies don't really have a broad public (like e.g. LOTR), I don't really think it's for the money :P Paranormal Activity however will release their 7th (?) movie in 2015 :P

    they have gone for someone who matches the comic book appearance they have pick jared letto the singer from 30 seconds to mars
    now he has that slim face that joker should have and ive seen him with the makeup on already nad he does kinda look the part in some strange way
    I think hes gona be the main antagonist of the story anyway with most of his screen time being when the suicide squad is around

    T-bag from Prison Break would make a 10/10 Joker :P

    will smith as deadshot could work ill admit deadshot wasn't originally black

    James Bond isn't originally black too, but Idris Elba would make a great 007 [even though people oppose it, coz he's black];

    Also didn't have time to watch second vid, but will there be a new Joker? That'll be just a terrible idea: after Ledger's performance people will just be dissapointed with whomever will portray the new joker. Unless if it's some complete different Joker, more closely "related" to the comic books

    Also this is the movie I'm looking forward to:

    Not the official poster ofcourse (coz it's the poster of the first movie) but I really liked the 1st one, one of the better horror movies I've ever seen

    Nope in chins, cartels kill you sneakyly, i was talkun about the governement also, it is like japan or korea, mafia know evrything
    Even know that 40% of the chinese peoples are linked with triad (including me and some of my family) they know how to deal with anyone.

    NOTICE: almost 70% of the triads don't do big bullshit (mostly doing bet,hull battle and counterfeit) , even if you have a friend that have a triad friend, you are linked with them.
    Conclusion? Most of them are normal peoples

    So... you're basically telling me that 520.000.000 people in China are into illegal stuff? And of which 156.000.000 are into some serious stuff?
    So basically China has an amount of heavy criminals which is 15.6 times the population of Belgium??????

    Not trying to offend you or sth, but I frown my eyebrows seeing your statistics

    Nope in chins, cartels kill you sneakyly

    Also: at least they try to do it sneaky; Mexico doesn't care if it's done sneaky: you want 21 students to vanish? Sure why not, let's also make sure it becomes a huge news topic! Because fuck you, that's why!

    Yap, in china, you get legaly killed when insulting the wrong person but not in hong kong or Macao so triads and bullshit came because if the freedom

    Yes... because drug cartels, gangs and mafia arises in free countries... right??
    We don't have any mafia in Belgium, or you should consider the people of the government mafia, which is a fair estimate.

    Gangs, drug cartels etc arise in nations which lack freedom, i.e. colobmia, mexico, china,...

    Or you could go total dictator, then no gangs will arise either, like our great leader Kim Jong Un does!

    That's because you're a caring person Lex, but that's reality and you can't change it, human race was always competitive and always will be.
    You know that if you give like 2 seconds to the zombie in armory you are lost.. We both know that..
    I wouldn't like you to leave,but I'm neither holding you here.. Where's the fun in it when you let the zombies break your barricades so they can get a chance.. Why barricading in first place..
    It's not like zombies lose 100% of the rounds.. You just need to gather up, form tactics and play as a team, that's it. No need to be pity , no need to feel sorry for other that's the game, sometimes you get fucked and sometimes you on the other side. Nothing to do but deal with it.
    I see where you come from Lex and what's your point and your point will not work. If we use it and even make it a rule-"Give the zombies a chance" we will get like 20-30 bans everyday you do realize that yeah?

    Not saying it should be a rule. It is not a law to give homeless people some change, yet I will try to convince people to do so, to make them see it's the right thing to do.
    And wasn't necessarily talking about Armory, that map is just made for spawnkilling and is terrible in general (like really, what was the map creator thinking: hurr durr let's drop zombies and humans in one big orange box hurr durr?). Church however is a lot different: where's the fun in sitting on the top windows of church, headshotting every zombie with a magnum as soon as that zombie has stepped 2 steps?

    You're all talking about: uuuh everybody ragequits and uuuuh zombies leave all the time. Ever thought about why that happens? Instead of fighting that problem with punishments, we should all put in a little effort to get to the root of the problem, which is: being zombie is not fun when you're getting insta raped in church/redqueen/simpsons-map/... Never noticed how some maps have more zombie-ragequitters than others?
    So I ask you: where is the fun as zombie? Where is the fun as human? Because you say: humans are competitive, well how can you be competitive if there's no chance for competition? If zombies get slaughtered like that? Most of times I'm bored as f*ck in church maps, so I run out and do a little yolo.

    And because it's the reality, I'll just have to deal with it? ;) I wasn't really planning on leaving the community ofcourse, but the moment people will try to stop me from trying to change some stuff (which in my eyes would benefit most), I wouldn't hesitate [so it was a mere hypothetical situation than a real thought]. [Yes yes, such drama, much Lex, very nagging :P]

    problem is this is always happening and its a huge annoyance people just palying so they can farm as I said before its extremely unfair on the people with lower points who cant keep up they arnt even given much of a chance


    I know I'm the old guy, nagging about better times earlier. But fact is: people who become zombie will leave too if not left a chance to get someone. And I can't say anything about the non-members, but I can at least try to persuade members to be more considerate. If that's wrong, I might as well leave this community.

    Also I never compete when it harms others ;)

    E.g. when I see zombs don't stand a chance, I join them, trying to turn things around. I can give you the names of people in this community who would a) do the same and b) would never do that. Which is fine, ofcourse you can play as human and have fun! And you don't have to sacrifice for others; But at least give them a bit of dignity. I noticed this is the worst in EU2 (because more players play here): Redqueen: 5 people at least are spawnkilling, in which also a member or 2


    Played zps today; was saddened. Map Zombo armory [which imo is one of the most boring/worst maps ever] was chosen for the sole purpose of getting as much points as fast as possible. This resulting in massacre of zombies as soon as they left the water.

    Gonna keep bumping this topic up until everyone has read it.

    A lot of Chinese peoples have those reaction when they see someone racist:*laugh*(if he is or seems to be joking)
    *exlain the truth
    *fake laugh and insult*
    *insult and fight*(if that was too mean for them)

    NOTICE:if you stare at peoples in hong kong, peoples will fight you (idk now but before, it was like that) , peoples that stare at you are asking for fight (most of them have a link with triad)…ing-Kung-Fu-Fighting.html

    Silly Chinese people; that's not even from your country!