Fungrades 2024 - 3.3.0 Patch & Hotfix #3 - 05/03/2025

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    Fungrades 2024 - 3.3.0 - Too much RNG?

    This weeks affliction 'hotfix' & early update patch reduces the RNG applied to Perks & Yin Yang's from Afflictions. Further balancing to technician and commando by restoring some of the lost power from the previous nerf, along with some brand new Perks and Yin Yang's that will introduce the first experience based Yin Yang!


    Hotfix #3 - Affliction Changes

    The RNG system is a brand new addition to the servers and will have some growing pains for all.

    As stated on the release of the anniversary update ( and subsequent hotfixes ) the afflictions have been added to better balance the system than the previous prestige system could ever provide. Whilst the balance is somewhat being achieved for the most part ( ignoring the broken Perks and Yin Yang combinations ) the RNG has proven to be a little too punishing, especially when hit with multiple Perk and Yin Yang afflictions.

    Therefore, Perks and Yin Yang's are no longer individually and fully disabled*

    Instead, Perks and Yin Yang's will work the same way in which a stat is affected and will reduce the level of your Perks and Yin Yang's by the amount of afflictions they have had applied.

    Sealed Perks & Yin Yang's will prevent the reduction of a Perk/Yin Yang's from being affected by an Affliction Point ( dependant on your Prestige Rank rewards ).

    This means if you have been affected by a 1 Perk Affliction, your Sealed level 3 Perk will remain level 3.

    For other Perks that were not sealed, they will be reduced to level 2.

    If you were hit with 2 Perk Afflictions, your Sealed Perk will be reduced to level 2, and other perks reduced to level 1.

    *Fully upgraded Perks and Yin Yang's ( Unless Reduced by Evolutions ) will also have a minimum level of 1.

    This change ensures that no build will be fully disabled if you have maxed out a single perk or yin yang.

    (These examples assume your seal is at level 1)

    You will also now only gain 1 Affliction per Prestige Rank (3 for your first prestige)

    Stat afflictions have been adjusted to align with the reduced affliction points per prestige rank.

    This change maintains the current severity of the current stat afflictions and should provide little to no change.

    Whilst this change will slightly buff power, it will greatly reduce the RNG severity of power between rounds, allowing your build to function each and every round.


    Fixes & Changes

    Range Abilities

    The majority of abilities that work via range ( Plague, Smoke, Stomp ) will now have a reduced height range limit.

    Electric Cherry has also been given LOS Requirements.

    Affliction fixes (!aff <target>)

    Targeting another player will now correctly show all Perk / Yin Yang afflictions.

    Perk & Yin Yang Menu Size

    The size of the current Perk & Yin Yang menu has been slightly shrunk to reduce the current overlap of the chat.

    Further changes will be made for a compact version for all large menu's in the near future to increase visibility.


    Spawn renamed to The Weak. Temporary starting health changed from 50 -> 100


    Prestige Upgrades

    Upgrade Points

    Changed from 5 Per Level to 4 + Upgrade Point Level

    Total Upgrade Points Obtainable 50 -> 95

    This change brings back some power of running stronger upgrade builds over prestige upgrades & unlock builds.


    Perks & Evolutions



    Ammo Restored: 4% -> 0% Base. 4% -> 5% Per Level

    Evo 2) -1 Perk Level -> -50% Perk Power


    Extended Clip Side: 5% -> 0% Base. 15% -> 20% Per Level

    Evo 1) Ammo Restored (Headshot Kills Only) 20% -> 15%. Lose: -50% Perk Power -> -15% Ammo Regen

    *Ammo restoration code has been reworked and improved since 3.2.0. Now, if you are slightly over a % with ammo restoration, this will enter into a chance based system to restore additional ammo.

    A Winchester at 60% Tech will now guarantee 1 extra shot (50% of its 2-shell capacity) and would then provide a 20% chance to restore another shot ( from the remaining 10% tech ).


    Now also activates automatically when on low health ( 15 Second Cooldown )

    *NEW Dash

    Kills provide a 1% Per Level speed boost (Stackable) for 3 seconds

    Evo 1) +1 Perk Level / -1 Second Duration

    Evo 1) +1 Second Duration / -1 Perk Level


    *NEW Spawn

    Provides a 5% Per Level chance to spawn on another zombie ( nearest a survivor )

    Evo 1) +1 Perk Level / -10% Max Health on Spawn

    Evo 2) Provides a small Speed Boost to you and your spawn zombie / -1 Perk Level


    Yin Yang's

    *NEW Pacifist

    Provides you with additional Passive Experience gain and increases Nearby Teammates Upgrade Power at the expense of Kill & Damage Experience Gain

    (For that 'one guy')


    *NEW Hemophage

    Increases Health Regen at the expense of Max Health


    Armour: 10 -> 25 Base. 10 -> 15 Per Level.


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