Fungrades 2024 - 3.1.0 - Patch Notes - 19/02/2025

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    Fungrades 2024 - 3.1.0

    A additional minor update following the Affliction/Seal hotfix that brings more QOL changes and the return of a Bleed Chance Yin Yang for survivors, and a new Crit Yin Yang for Zombies!

    All perks have now been provided stronger level 1 stats. As 70% of perks had good level 1 stats, some perks ( with the new afflictions ) proved to be better than others when afflicted. For this reason, the majority of power for all perks have now been shifted to the lower levels, whilst still providing the same strength at max level ( where possible ).

    The change provides more perk power for newer players, whilst also providing slightly better stats for high chance afflicted players.


    - Fixes & Changes -


    Reduced Stat Buff from 25% -> 10%

    Now removes all Afflictions

    Prestige Menu QOL

    The Prestige menu will now retain your team selection to remove the unnecessary need to reselect your team when making builds.

    This feature works for Prestige Upgrades, Unlocks, Perks & Yin Yang's

    Team Selection can be selected and changed on the prestige menu, or automatically when you next make a team selection via the !perk !yy !pul !prpg Menus. This will make the menu feel a little less clustered since the split of Prestige Upgrades and Unlocks

    !Stats & afflictions

    Affliction stats will no longer apply to your own stats when using !stats when in the lobby or spectator.

    As afflictions are applied to all players at the start of the round, regardless if you are playing or in the lobby, afflictions were affecting !stats that made making builds a little harder to create with odd/incorrect statistics.

    Fire Damage

    Whilst only applicable for Zombies, Blaze/Ignite damage is now affected by the Prop Damage upgrade.


    - Perks -



    Ammo Restored: 0% -> 4% Base. 5% -> 4% Per Level.

    Dr Boom

    Damage: 0% -> 20% Base. 25% -> 20% Per Level


    Power: 0% -> 4% Base. 5% -> 4% Per Level

    Electric Cherry

    Chance: 0% -> 15% Base. 15% -> 10% Per Level.

    Range increased by 20%


    *Rework Stomp

    Berzerking performs a ground stomp, dealing 50 damage to nearby props and inflicting 10% Max Health Damage & instantly triggering bleeding effects on nearby players.

    Evo 1

    Gain: Hits apply bleed chance. Lose: No longer inflicts bleed stack damage on hit.

    Evo 2

    Gain: Inflicts 15% Max Health Damage. Lose: No longer inflicts bleed stack damage on hit.


    Chance: 0% -> 5% Base. 6% -> 5% Per Level


    Chance: 0% -> 5% Base


    Endurance: 5% -> 10% Base


    Chance: 0% -> 15% Base. 20% -> 15% Per Level.


    Health: 0 -> 5 Base.


    Raw Armour Damage: 0 -> 4 Base. 5 -> 4 Per Level.

    Zombie Master

    Chance / Berzerk Regen: 0% -> 10% Base. 15% -> 10% Per Level.


    Chance: 0% -> 3% Base. 4% -> 3% Per Level.


    - Yin Yang's -


    *NEW Severance

    Increases Bleed Chance at the expense of Piercing Damage


    *NEW Splinter

    Increases Critical Chance at the expense of Bleed Chance

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