Fungrades 2024 - 2.5.0 - Patch Notes - 20/12/2024

    • Official Post

    Fungrades 2024 - 2.5.0 - Melee Mode

    This weeks update adds a new melee counter perk, along with some other melee targeted changes and a new panic perk!


    - Fixes & Changes -


    Several changes have already been implemented to address the initial 'imbalanced' stat changes, this will now be more accurate depending on the Prestige Level and Player Level differences.

    Bots have now been excluded from the feature due to having their own stat modifications already in place.

    Bleed / Lifesteal

    Applying a single stack of bleed should feel more rewarding than it currently does, but not to the point in which it renders bleed resistance and melee builds useless.

    Therefore, Bleed has been slightly re-buffed at a single stack against life steal, providing slightly more life steal reduction for the first bleed stack applied. While this won’t significantly impact higher-ranked zombies that already apply multiple stacks, it will provide a much greater reward for newer players who may be struggling to inflict multiple stacks of bleed due to the resistance update.

    This change will not change the upgrade power bleed upgrades currently provides in different areas ( Damage, Ticks etc )


    - Perks -



    Per Level Damage Reduction 10% -> 7.5%

    *NEW Shockwave

    Shockwave provides Panic with an additional buff, similar to Stomp, Panic will push & slow zombies on activation.

    The power of the Push, Slow & Range is dependant on the Perks Upgrade Level.

    Perk Strength

    5% / 10% / 15% / 20%

    Evo 1

    Gain: Double Perk Power Lose: -1 Second Slow

    Evo 2

    Gain: +2 Second Slow Lose: -50% Perk Power


    *NEW Wither

    Wither ( Similar to Saboteur ) provides zombies with another counter to both Ranged and Melee Weapons.

    The perk provides a 50% fire rate reduction ( For Guns ) and 100% Attack Speed reduction ( For Melee ) for 2 seconds.

    Chance to Proc

    10% / 15% / 20% / 25%

    Evo 1

    Gain: +10% Chance Lose: -1 Second Duration

    Evo 2

    Gain: +2 Second Duration Lose: Halves Perk Chance

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