Unlucky, never able to carry

  • Alright, so this might be helpfull for some of you guys playing league and not being able to carry.

    I have been playing with Lex for a long time and i've seen him improving a lot (and still going) but i feel like he's getting stuck because he needs to change his playstyle. He's currently in Silver 4 but i feel like he plays better in normals than in ranked and i think that's with a lot of people. I think you need to come out of your comfort zone, play aggresive and play for fun/improvement, not just for lp. At the end of the day, you will end up in the rank that you belong in.

    When you get those legit De-boosted shitters in your team, you just need to be able to not tilt and still try to carry by getting a lead and playing agressive. If you play passive, you just rely on those garbage players and you are bound to lose. My tip of gaining elo is making the plays yourself and don't rely on your teammates. You might feel uncomfortable in the beginning but after a while you'll get used to it. Another tip i can give you is watch challenger players that play the same roll you main. I play a lot of adc so i love watching Gosu and Imaqtpie.

    I don't know if i missed a point of how to improve but i think these are the most important ones.

    Let me know if you disagree with something i said or if you have your own opinion of how you can get elo.

    This post might help some people, idk. I just felt like it was worth mentioning. I know Banana, Sire and Deck are trying to improve so i hope they see this and can get something out of here.

    Gl on the rift and remember. When things don't work out, run it down mid hehe xd (pls don't)

  • I found the secret to improving: Mordekaiser support. I got carried so hard that game 8| But it's true what you say tho. Problem is making plays in SoloQ is pretty tricky considering your team doesn't know what's up :c

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