A14 talk and updates

  • Hey People,

    Due to some reallife stuff I haven't yet taken the time to make a thread regarding A14.
    Many updates, hotfixes and hothotfixes have been released by now for this build, but even so it is the least-buggiest so far.
    Currently some people are experiencing instant-crashes. This is most likely a unity-related bug, and should be fixed with A14.6.
    The blackscreen bug, which is triggered by removing someone's bed, is still unsolved. I'm working on finding a fix for this. [fixed].

    The server also has a new IP adres. You can now find us at on port 26900.

    Btw, enjoy this new video.

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    /人 ‿‿ 人\ Wanna make a contract?

    Edited once, last by Crispy Bacon ().

  • I saw that they "teamed" up with telltale kind of.
    Any chance this will add more quality to the game in near future? x)


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