Posts by Char

    id like to but as we have a "little" problem with censoring over here in germany i need someone to "gift" (i will send you the money via paypal) me a non- german key, which should remain uncut after official release (only if they implement the cut via IP but then id be screwed anyways :/ )

    contact me on steam if you have paypal and 5 minutes of time^^

    as far as i know the devs are planning stuff like electricity and expanding the leveling system with upgrades so we just have to wait maybe
    especially a rpg system would add much replay value, for me at least :D


    Hai QTWave

    ive been thinking about wether a perodic reset of the server would make sense or not quite much as from what ive noticed (also from myself):

    ppl usually play much after a fresh start but after a certain point is reached (base is built, strong weapons are found, etc) they usually stop as it gets quite boring (this takes some time though about 30-40 hours)

    i dont know if there will be any features in future updates but id just like to start a discussion here :D

    Well what do you prefer: a game that has been worked on very hard and thus has little bugs and optimal gameplay; or a game like AC: unity which is crappy, buggy and laggy?

    a good company can deliver high quality in the time limit they set themselves, german efficiency :P

    the thing that disturbs me a bit is the fact that you have no chance to get as many points when youre playing as a zombie compared to the amount of points you can get as human

    also the system that reduces points for either humans or zombies to prevent peaploe from playing their favourite class only, does not really work as i always have reduced zombie points although i trie to spawn as human as often as i can,
    but it is impossible not to play more as a zombie when you also count the many times you play zombie against your will (when getting killed :/ )
    hence only the class you spawn as should effect the point reduction if you want to have more ppl playing as a zombie voluntary

    eu2 players gonna kill me for saying this but:
    in my opinion not only the attitude of some players is the problem but also the speed and ammo regen upgrades which enable them to play in a way that is very annoying if your are zombie:
    they run around the map and theres literally no chance to hit them even if you are close as a zombie because they are so fast that you cant aim at them probably, making most of the zombie upgrades except of speed pretty useless

    in eu1 a playstyle like this will lead to your early death as you simply cant outrun the zombies