Player of the week - Version 1.0
Player of the week is a mod which not only gives a player ( each week ) special commands and features, it also records your player statistics.
It currently records the following stats;
Survivor Kills
Survivor Deaths
Zombie Kills
Zombie Deaths
Killing Sprees
Death Spree
Rounds Won ( As Survivor )
Each week, after statistics have been recorded, a player is chosen from one of the categories above. ( And before you ask, yes, you can get player of the week by dying the most... )
Once a POTW has been chosen ( Using a random, and different Stat/Player each week ), they will have ( currently ) 4 special commands to use for that week. This is accessed by using !potw in game. And have your name in nice big bold letters displayed on the main website
The First Command -
The First Command - Global Double Points/EXP
This command has 2 charges ( For the week ), and will last for 30 minutes for the server they are currently playing on.
The Second Command - Start an Event ( Server 2 )
This command has 2 charges ( For the week ), and will start either the 'Jump' or 'Lucky Dip' event.
The Third Command - Shard Frenzy ( Server 1 )
This command has 2 charges ( For the week ), and will give out random shards to all current players.
The Fourth Command - Trails
Because trails are fun. POTW Trademark.
In Time, More commands will become available, along with additional features and bonuses. Statisitcs will also be available on the site soon.
Credit goes to xerox for helping script the mod