Posts by Lexvhw

    Dutch song, much sadness :c Worth listening tho :)

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    Country based jokes:

    France: (lol you know coz of their easy surrender in the mid 20th century)

    Germany (yes it's a cheap one, but I think it's funny)

    England/Great Britain


    And of course: Belgium

    apparently nobody cared enough about Belgians to make some crude jokes about us :(

    Except: I once saw this video, I thought it was hilarious, only my fellow Belgians didn't really find it funny :( Apparently we're known for the fact that we can't take a joke :D

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    Watch the video, it's worth it

    It's not obligatory :D It's just fun to see a lot of S-ZPS tags ingame coz it represents unity :)

    I don't think anyone is "mad" at you for not using it Taba :D

    You're still a bonito :love:

    Hmmm... Same warning as Luke: If you don't like jokes which are offensive to black people, women, handicapped people, white people,... don't proceed to read this.
    If you can see the humor in racist and mysoginist jokes, go on and laugh. Just saying: I am not racist, don't hate women, nor African people. I hate all people equally.

    Q: what did the deaf, blind and mute kid get for Christmas?

    A: Cancer.
    Q: How do you kill 50 flies at once?

    A: Slap an Ethiopian in the face with a chair.

    Q: What’s the useless skin around a vagina called?

    A: The woman.


    Q: What is better than winning a medal at the Special Olympics?

    A: Not being retarded

    Q: What's the difference between acne and Michael Jackson?

    A: Acne usually doesn't come on a kid's face until he's at least 13 years old.

    Q: Why do women call it PMS?

    A: Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

    Q: What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench?

    A: The NBA (basketbal)

    Q: How many white men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    A: One, white men will screw anything.

    But for real, to all next posters in this topic: can we stop making fun of black people please? There are Blacks in my family tree....and they're still hanging there.

    People once mocked me for knowing a lot of "My Little Pony"-names... I can't help it that I know it. I just remember it from all the screaming in the back of my van.
    Q: what's the difference between a Ferrari and a pile of dead babies?

    A: Well, last time i checked I didn't have a ferrari in my garage...

    Argh I have so much more... The next ones are quite racist and really offensive. I advice not to read further when you are not O.K. with racist jokes. Also: I only put jokes about black people here coz I don't know a lot of white people jokes, but if you have any, post them and I'll probably laugh equally hard about them. So it's not because of racist motives or something c:
    Here we go:

    -What's the difference between a black guy and a snow tire? The snow tire doesn't sing when it's in chains.
    -What's long and black? The unemployment line.
    What's the difference between a large pizza and a black guy? A large pizza can feed a family.

    But really guys: don't be racist. Racism is a crime and crime is for black people.

    I know you guys are like naming series and stuff... but all I'm reading is: Hentai, hentai and oh... some more hentai

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    Does that mean... you'll abuse Luke now instead of me???? :thumbup:

    I agree Killer, damn now you made me look bad with my comment :P

    All I was saying was: If we do this, focus should be on the cause of the challenge, which is ALS and its research. Not just mindlessly pouring icy water over our heads coz it's the mainstream thing to do ;)

    Hahaha this Ice bucket challenge, what to say of it.

    I don't mind showing my face, meh, I'll film it with a potato so you can't recognize me.
    But, nowadays people are forgetting what it's about and it's just becoming another stupid facebook-trend like the "drink a beer in one time" or "jump in public water". If we do it, then only do it when you donate money to the research.

    Not trying to be a buzzkill, but the initial challenge was: be challenged --> do it + donate €10; or don't do it + donate €100. Now stupid kids just took it as a joke, which I'm not pleased about coz it's a terrible disease (that's the situation on my facebook feed tho) ^^

    Hmm my favourite game when I was young... must be: playing outside with friends

    Lel but my favourite videogame: Crash Bash

    That game was so underrated, I always played it with my brother and/or sister (Playstation 1 game, best game)
    Also Crash Team Racing (CTR) was beast! A lot better than Mario Kart imo :D!

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    Nice pics 9 :P and you didn't want to give me a token when you have over 100 >:(

    1st picture: Almight Heisenberg is watching us from the skies!
    2nd pic: Using the spray-tag-possibility for one day in S-ZPS
    3d pic: Joux is a god who doesn't abide by the rules of physics
    4th pic: Flying in Simpson's map (standing on a specific point on the tree there makes it go invisible)
    5th pic: Dickbutt, nuf said!
    6th pic: Lel wot max players 18 in eu2?