Display MoreAnd yet except Annie Bot pretty much, they still can play a big variation of champions.
And Froggen's Anivia wasn't banned for a while as far as I know because there is no point to ban Anivia because Froggen can play anything else in pretty much the same level, I mean did you see Froggen's Viktor? Insane, would say even better than Anivia.
And lets say even IF all of those you said are one trick ponys NONE of them has above 55% winrate - maximum 60% RARELY.
During season 4, I picked the thing with not maining a champion and played Thresh only when I saw that my team has good picks, good energy in champselect, enemy seems week - shortly- I chose when to play him and not using my brain. Leading to that result:
Using the technique of playing a big variation of champions brought me to good results and eventually even bringing me to my highest peak in diamond:
Dodging when needed, playing only 3 roles, in the best comps playing any of the champions in the picture, in less better comps picking champions that I'm a bit less good with them but they fit my team's synergy against the enemy's team synergy.
EDIT: After checking - Froggen's last game in the LCS he played Lux, Anivia wasn't banned that game. And Lux was picked for him from his team's last pick. Why? Because Lux fit their team comp vs enemy team comp.
Well LCS is something completely different than SoloQ; Amumu does great in soloQ but would be so useless in LCS. You can't compare the two. Not gonna get involved in the "main a champ" or "main a lane" discussion though because I don't have the game knowledge nor experience for that But let me just state my experiences from SoloQ: no one gives a shiet about teamcomposition and everyone just plays the champion he prefers, even after I mentioned we'd need some AP, some players (COUGH YASUO MAINS COUGH) will still go their AD champs [Yes I have a deep-rooted hatred towards yasuo mains :3 ]. Can't really influence that when I'm playing ADC or support...