New players' friendly guidance book

  • Welcome new player to Soldiers of Demise community!
    Here you should find all the information you look for about the server , forum community and the rules.

    Questions covered in this guidance:

    01.I am new to the forum can I have all the sections explained?

    02.I would like to read the rules where exactly can I find them?

    03.I want to create a thread , how can I do that?

    04.I have an idea to improve the server , where I can share it?

    05.I found a bug , where can I report it?

    06.I got abused , where can I complain about it?

    07.What are the differences between Server 1 and Server 2? What if I don't like stats do I have a choice? Are there more Sammy's servers?

    08.I see a lot of [S-ZPS] tags , what are they?

    09.I want to become a member , how can I do that?

    10.What's the difference between the section Player Complaints and Ban Requests?

    11.Where can I see the leaderboards?

    12.Where can I see my own stats?

    13.What's the shoutbox on the main forum page?

    14.I can't seem to find the server ips where are they?

    15.I would like to donate where I can do that?

    16.I didn't understand what is the difference between the donation packs.

    17.What are PP?

    18.What are BetCoins?

    19.What are tokens?

    20.What are points?

    21.What benefits do I get from becoming a member?

    22.Where I can see the full memberlist?

    Edited 3 times, last by Luke ().

  • 23.Members are admins?

    24.I really like the server , is there a way I can contribute?

    25.Is there a TeamSpeak channel for the server?

    26.I read your guidance and I still couldn't find an answer , what should I do?

    Please post feedbacks , opinions and suggestions

    Edited once, last by Luke ().

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