»SoD« Bizerco: Tell me a story
UndeadTurning is now Online.
UndeadTurning: Okay
UndeadTurning: There once was a company called EA
UndeadTurning: Who put microtransactions in every game
UndeadTurning: They harrased customers with grief
UndeadTurning: Got ton of beef
UndeadTurning: And now, for all the wrong reasons, garned much more fame
»SoD« Bizerco: 8/10- waiting for part two dlc IGN
UndeadTurning: It's over anakin"
UndeadTurning: "I purchased the high ground paid DLC"
»SoD« Bizerco: You under estimate my character lootbox!
UndeadTurning: "NO DON'T"
UndeadTurning: *Rolls nothing but commons*
»SoD« Bizerco: *Leaps to attack but gets nerfed by a update that was made to drumm up more money*
UndeadTurning: *Cuts you down due to buff of DLC only weapons to drum up more sales for Pre-ordering a second season pass*
»SoD« Bizerco: *Catches fire for his insolence*
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