It's been a while since my last thread but i guess this is gonna be an interesting topic.
How to deal with tilt.
A lot of you guys have probably experienced it and you know how shit it is to go on tilt. I see a lot of people go on tilt for the most useless reason.
My question to you guys is, what is your trigger, what do you do when you're tilting (do you troll, flame, afk, etc...) and how do you calm down? This might help some people learn how to keep their cool and play out a game the best you can.
I only tilt when i'm playing at my best but i just see my team dying 24/7 and it doesn't matter anymore how well i play. When i tilt, i mostly flame and just play like absolute garbage. After the game is over i just don't feel like starting another game because of all the cancer i'm gonna encounter in my games and it's gonna trigger me so fast and that ain't gonna help anyone win games. I have some friends that get triggered because they get ks'd or the jungler ganks and dies to your laner and stuff but i don't see them having something that cools them off.
This post might help some people no tilt from the face of the earth.
Gl on the rift and remember. When you die by getting ganked, just afk :> <: (pls don't)