Preseason 2015

  • So just wanted to set up a quick thread after reading quite a few LoL Boards posts (and since petraket wants some threads ^^) ask you what you think of the current Preseason.
    For example:
    ADC overhauls (Graves, Corki, MF etc,)
    ADC, JGL and SUPP item changes&additions
    New Masteries
    Rift Herald
    and upcoming things (if you know about them) like Minion changes.
    and so on.

    I myself am excited how the changes do turn out in the end and I am not that shocked by the changes Riot made since they already stated why they released so much (unbalanced) stuff at the same time and well its the preseason after all.

    ~ SirJ ♛

  • My thoughts so far:

    Masteries: Awesome.
    Where masteries used to not matter much now they are really strong( too strong?)
    I already noticed that putting on the right masteries gave me about 10% extra damage on my lux build.
    Although i wonder if for instance the mastery that heals you for crits isnt too OP ( played it with tryndamere last night so much heals )

    Adc overhaul:
    Haven't seen enough ( or played adc enough) to judge if the new adc overhaul is any good. Until now i've mostly seen graves and he looks a bit better now too me.

    The only things i'm worried about are the items. They seem to highly favor squishies over tanks and i wonder if its maybe a bit too much ( even considering the slight botrk nerf)

    Also there seems to be more focus on crit, dont know if that will end up being balanced

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